Amending Rule Title Proponent(s) Determination Date Commenced Version
Obligations of Network Service Providers - Connection Applications Energy Solutions Australia 2007-04-26
Origin Energy Participant Derogation (Technical Requirements for Mount Stuart Power Station) Origin Energy 2007-01-11 4
2011 No. 2 Network Support and Control Ancillary Services AEMO 2011-04-07 2012-04-05 42
Assumed utilisation of imputation credits SP Ausnet and Electranet 2012-09-20 4
Changes to Cost Allocation Method Trans Tasman Energy Group 2013-08-08 4
2009 No. 11 Demand Management TEC 2009-04-23 2009-07-01 30
Causer Pays for Ancillary Services to Control the Tasmanian frequency Hydro Tasmania 2009-10-15 4
2013 No. 5 Network Service Provider Expenditure Objectives SCER 2013-09-19 2013-09-26 58
2008 No. 3 Economic Regulation of Transmission Services Undertaken by Distributors EnergyAustralia 2008-06-26 2008-07-01 21
2010 No. 14 Release of Generator information by AEMO Senergy Econnect Australia Pty Ltd 2010-12-23 2011-01-20 41
2006 No. 6 System restart ancillary service arrangements and pricing under market suspension NEMMCO 2006-04-20 2006-04-20 4
2009 No. 1 Ramp Rates, Market Ancillary Service Offers, and Dispatch Inflexibility AER 2009-01-16 2009-03-31 27
2013 No. 8 Negative offers from scheduled network service providers IPRA and LYMMCo 2013-12-19 2014-01-01 60
2010 No. 2 Timing for intervention compensation determinations AEMO 2010-03-25 2010-03-25 35
2006 No. 18 Economic Regulation of Transmission Services AEMC 2006-11-16 2006-11-16 10
2010 No. 12 Provision of Metering Data Services and Clarification of Existing Metrology Requirements AEMO 2010-11-25 2010-12-16, 20/01/2011 [Schedule 4] 40
2010 No. 5 Cost Recovery for Other Services Directions AEMO 2010-05-13 2011-07-01 54
2013 No. 4 Reliability Panel Public Meetings Reliability Panel 2013-08-15 2013-08-15 57
2006 No. 1 Revision to dispatch pricing due to manifestly incorrect inputs NEMMCO 2005-11-17 2006-06-01 6
Futures Offset Arrangements Australian Power & Gas Infratil Energy Australia Momentum Energy 2009-04-16 4
2008 No. 9 Regulatory Test Thresholds and Information Disclosure on Network Replacements ETNOF 2008-10-23 2008-10-23 22
2010 No. 3 SA Jurisdictional Derogation (Connections Charging) South Australian Minister for Energy 2010-05-06 2010-07-01 38
2008 No. 11 Easement Land Tax Pass Through SP Ausnet 2008-11-27 2009-01-01 24
2006 No. 10 Reform of dispute resolution process for the Regulatory Test MCE 2006-06-29 2006-07-01 7
2009 No. 9 National Transmission Statement MCE 2009-04-02 2009-04-16 28
2006 No. 12 Extension of Inter-regional Settlements Agreement Department of Infrastructure (Victoria) 2006-07-13 2006-07-13 8
2012 No. 4 Cost pass through arrangements for network service providers Grid Australia 2012-08-02 2012-08-02 4
2012 No. 5 Distribution Network Planning and Expansion Framework MCE 2012-10-11 2013-01-01, 01-Jan-2014 [Schedule 5] 54
2009 No. 10 Negative Settlements Residue Recovery, Extension of Sunset NEMMCO 2009-04-16 2009-04-16 28
2007 No. 4 NEMMCO Participant Derogation (Deferral of Settlement Payments due to APEC) NEMMCO 2007-08-16 2007-08-16 15
2007 No. 6 Efficient Dispatch of Regulation Services Hydro Tasmania 2007-08-23 2009-01-01 24
2009 No. 15 Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission MCE 2009-06-25 2009-07-01 30
2009 No. 16 Arrangements for Managing Risks Associated with Transmission Network Congestion - Rule 16 MCE 2009-08-13 2009-09-01 31
2008 No. 4 WACC - Alignment of Reviews AER 2008-06-26 2008-07-01 21
2013 No. 2 Changes to normal voltage GDF Suez Australian Energy 2013-02-28 2013-03-07 55
2006 No. 11 Inspection and Testing of Metering Installations EnergyAustralia 2006-06-29 2006-07-01 7
2008 No. 14 Preservation of Prudential Margin Through Call Notices NEMMCO 2008-11-27 2009-01-01 4
2009 No. 19 Improved RERT Flexibility and Short-notice Reserve Contracts Reliability Panel 2009-10-15 2009-10-15 32
2013 No. 1 Inter-regional Transmission Charging MCE 2013-02-28 2014-07-01, 01-July-2015 [Schedules 1 & 2] 63
2007 No. 11 Process for Region Change (formerly called Region Boundaries) MCE 2007-12-20 2008-07-01 21
2011 No. 4 Minor Changes 2011 - Electricity AEMC 2011-06-16 2011-07-01 44
2007 No. 2 Technical Standards for Wind Generation and Other Generator Connections NEMMCO 2007-03-08 2007-03-15 13
2013 No. 6 Access to NMI standing data EnergyAustralia 2013-10-31 2013-10-31 59
2007 No. 1 Reallocations NEMMCO 2007-02-15 2007-05-31 14
2006 No. 20 NEMMCO Participant Derogation (Extension of Cost Recovery of Regulation Services in Tasmania) NEMMCO 2006-12-07 2006-12-07 12
2008 No. 1 Integration of NEM Metrology Requirements NEMMCO 2008-03-06 2008-03-06 19
2014 No. 1 Publication of zone substation data NGF 2014-03-13 2014-03-13 60
2011 No. 6 Application of Dual Marginal Loss Factors AEMO 2011-06-29 2011-06-30 44
2006 No. 22 Pricing of Prescribed Transmission Services AEMC 2006-12-21 2006-12-28 12
2008 No. 16 Queensland Generator Technical Performance Standards Derogations Queensland Government 2008-12-11 2009-01-01 24
Alternative Snowy Region Boundary (Discontinued) Macquarie Generation 2007-03-22
2010 No. 11 Aggregation of Ancillary Services Loads AEMO 2010-09-09 2010-09-16 39
2009 No.8 Transmission Network Prices Publication Date EnergyAustralia 2009-03-26 2009-03-31 27
Transmission Last Resort Planning Guidelines AEMC 2007-07-10
2011 No. 5 Reliability Settings from 1 July 2012 Reliability Panel 2011-06-16 2011-07-01 44
2009 No. 21 Bid and Offer Validation Data AEMO 2009-12-03 2010-12-16 40
Management of negative settlement residues by re-orientation Snowy Hydro Limited 2006-11-09
Parameter Values, Equity Beta and Gamma EUAA 2008-11-13
2006 No. 9 Participation in SRA - EnergyAustralia Participant Derogation NEMMCO 2006-06-16 2006-06-22 7
2008 No. 12 Setting VoLL Following the Shedding of Interruptible Load AER 2008-11-20 2008-11-20 23
2012 No. 8 Small Generation Aggregator Framework AEMO 2012-11-29 2013-01-01 54
2007 No. 5 Cost Recovery of Localised Regulation Services NGF 2007-08-23 2009-01-01 24
Split Snowy Region Macquarie Generation 2007-11-08
2009 No. 13 NEM Reliability Settings: VoLL, CPT and Future Reliability Review Reliability Panel 2008-12-18 2009-05-28 29
2006 No. 8 Advocacy Panel MCE 2006-06-15 2006-07-01 7
2011 No. 8 Tasmania Tranche 5a Procedure Changes Tasmanian Government 2011-07-14 2011-07-14 45
2012 No. 2 Negative intra-regional settlements residue AEMO 2012-03-22 2012-04-05 49
2009 No. 7 Minor Changes 2009 AEMC 2009-03-26 2009-03-31 27
Recovery of Network Support Payments SP Ausnet 2013-10-31
Contingency Administered Price Cap Following a Physical Trigger Event NGF 2009-06-04
2010 No. 6 Minor Changes 2010 AEMC 2010-06-03 2010-06-10, 16/12/2010 40
2009 No. 3 Cost Allocation Arrangements for Transmission Services NGF 2009-01-29 2009-02-13 25
Total Factor Productivity for Distribution Network Regulation Minister for Energy and Resources (Victoria) 2011-12-22
2011 No. 10 Efficiency Benefit Sharing Scheme and Demand Management Expenditure by Transmission Businesses MCE 2011-12-22 2011-12-22 47
2009 No. 6 WACC Reviews - Extension of Time AER 2009-03-26 2009-03-31 27
2008 No. 7 Minor Change to Technical Requirement for Generators NEMMCO 2008-08-07 2008-10-23 22
Optimisation of Regulatory Asset Base and Use of Fully Depreciated Assets Major Energy Users Inc. 2012-09-13
2007 No.9 Timing of System Restart Ancillary Services Testing NEMMCO 2007-10-25 2007-10-25 17
2012 No. 7 Distribution Losses in Expenditure Forecasts The Copper Development Centre 2012-10-18 2013-01-01 54
2008 No. 15 Registration changes for Traders, Reallocators, and Transfer of Registration NEMMCO 2008-12-04 2009-01-01 24
2006 No. 21 Resolution of existing generator performance standards NGF 2006-12-07 2006-12-07 12
2007 No. 7 Abolition of Snowy Region Snowy Hydro Limited 2007-08-30 2007-08-30 16
2006 No. 7 Reliability Safety Net Extension Reliability Panel 2006-05-11 2006-05-18 5
2010 No. 8 Publication of a Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Intensity Index for the National Electricity Market AEMO 2010-07-22 2010-07-22 38
2014 No. 4 AER Authorisation of Software Changes by AEMO AER 2014-04-17 2014-04-17 62
2006 No. 3 Review of operating incidents NEMMCO 2006-02-02 2006-02-02 3
2008 No. 17 Compensation Arrangements Under Administered Pricing EnergyAustralia 2008-12-18 2009-01-01 24
Transmission network replacement and reconfiguration Stanwell Corporation Limited 2007-03-01
2008 No. 5 WACC Parameters – Technical Drafting Issues AER 2008-06-26 2008-07-01 21
2008 No. 6 NEM Reliability Settings: Information, Safety Net and Directions Reliability Panel 2008-06-26 2008-07-01 21
2007 No. 8 Minor Changes 2007 AEMC 2007-10-11 2007-10-25 17
2007 No. 10 Registration of Foreign Based Persons and Corporations as Trader Class Participants BP Energy Asia 2007-12-20 2008-01-01 18
Potential Generator Market Power in the NEM Major Energy Users Inc. 2013-04-26
2011 No. 11 Inclusion of Embedded Generation Research into Demand Management Incentive Scheme MCE 2011-12-22 2011-12-22 47
2010 No.9 Timing for spot price reporting AER 2010-07-22 2010-07-22 38
2006 No. 5 Statement of Opportunities Update NEMMCO 2006-04-13 2006-04-20 4
2008 No. 13 Clarification of Market Information Requirements for Market Ancillary Services NEMMCO 2008-11-27 2009-01-01 24
2006 No. 14 Management of negative settlement residues in the Snowy Region NEMMCO International Power Southern Hydro NRG Flinders Hydro Tasmania LYMMCO 2006-09-14 2006-11-01 10
9 Calculation of Return on Debt for Electricity Network Businesses Energy Users Rule Change Committee 2012-11-29 2012-11-29 53
Congestion Pricing and Negative Residue Management Arrangements for the Snowy Region International Power TRUenergy NRG Flinders Hydro Tasmania LYMMCO 2007-11-08
2012 No. 1 Expiry of the Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader Reliability Panel 2012-03-15 2012-03-15, 1-Jul-16 48
2009 No. 12 AETV Participant Derogation to Allow Commissioning of a New Power Station Aurora Energy (Tamar Valley) Pty Ltd 2009-05-28 2009-05-28 29
2008 No. 2 Central Dispatch and Integration of Wind and Other Intermittent Generation NEMMCO 2008-05-01 2008-05-01, 31-Mar-2009 [Schedule 2] 20
2010 No. 7 Payments under Feed-in Schemes and Climate Change Funds ETSA Utilities 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 38
2006 No. 2 Publication of Information for Non-scheduled Generation NEMMCO 2005-12-15 2006-01-12, 01 Jul 06 7
2012 No. 3 Minor Changes 2012 AEMC 2012-06-14 2012-07-26, 01/07/2016 [Schedule 2] 51
2011 No. 9 Application and operation of Administered Price Periods AEMO 2011-11-10 2011-11-10, 2-July-2012 [Schedule 2] 46
2010 No. 1 Early Implementation of Market Impact Parameters Grid Australia 2010-03-11 2010-03-12 34
2009 No. 4 Confidentiality Arrangements in Respect of Information Required for Power System Studies NGF 2009-02-19 2009-02-27 26
Dispatch of Scheduled Network Services Hydro Tasmania 2007-08-16
2011 No. 1 DNSP recovery of transmission-related charges United Energy Distribution 2011-03-24 2011-03-24 42
2006 No. 15, 16 Studland Bay Wind Farm Participant Derogations Woolnorth Studland Bay Pty Ltd 2006-10-19 2006-11-01 10
2009 No. 2 Victorian Jurisdictional Derogation (Advanced Metering Infrastructure Roll Out) Minister for Energy and Resources (Victoria) 2009-01-29 2009-07-01 30
2008 No. 8 Reclassification of Contingency Events AER 2008-10-02 2008-10-23 22
2006 No. 19 Reform of the Regulatory Test Principles MCE 2006-11-30 2006-11-30 11
2006 No.13 TransGrid Participant Derogation (Treatment of Contingent Projects (Interim Arrangements) TransGrid 2006-07-27 2006-07-27 9
2012 No. 6 New Prudential Standard and Framework in the NEM AEMO 2012-10-18 2012-11-01 52
2011 No. 3 Business day definition AEMO 2011-04-21 2011-04-21 43
2013 No. 7 Victorian jurisdictional derogation, advanced metering infrastructure Minister for Energy and Resources (Victoria) 2013-11-28 2014-01-01 60
2009 No. 20 Confidentiality Provisions for Network Connections Grid Australia 2009-11-12 2009-11-12 33
Definition of Temporary Over-Voltage Limits Hydro Tasmania 2012-01-19
2010 No.4 Transparency of Operating Data AEMO 2010-05-11 2010-05-13 35
Governance of retail market procedures AEMO 2014-07-31 2014-10-24
2008 No. 10 Performance Standard Compliance of Generators NGF 2008-10-23 2008-10-23 22
2010 No. 13 Amendments to PASA-related Rules AEMO 2010-12-02 2010-12-16 40
2007 No.3 Transmission Last Resort Planning MCE 2007-03-08 2007-03-15 13
2013 No. 3 Minor Rule Change 2013 AEMC 2013-05-30 2013-07-04 56
2010 No.10 Victoria Generator Technical Performance Standards Derogations Minister for Energy and Resources (Victoria) 2010-09-09 2010-09-16 39
2011 No. 12 Network Support Payments and Avoided TUoS for Embedded Generators MCE 2011-12-22 2011-12-22 47
2009 No. 14 EnergyAustralia Participant Derogation Extension (Settlement Residue Auctions) EnergyAustralia 2009-06-11 2009-07-01 30
2006 No. 17 Metrology NEMMCO 2006-11-09 2006-11-09 10
2011 No. 7 Scale Efficient Network Extensions MCE 2011-06-30 2011-07-01 44
2006 No. 4 Recovery of negative inter-regional settlements residue NEMMCO 2006-03-30 2006-07-01 7
2009 No. 5 Removal of Performance Standard for Identifying Manifestly Incorrect Inputs NEMMCO 2009-02-26 2009-02-27 26
Annual Network Pricing Arrangements Other 2014-11-27
2014 No. 9 Distribution Network Pricing Arrangements SCER IPART 2014-11-27 2014-12-01, 01-Jan-2017 [Schedule 2] 66
2014 No. 3 Connecting embedded generators ClimateWorks, Seed, Property Council 2014-04-17 2014-10-01
2012 No. 9 Economic Regulation of Network Service Providers AER and EURCC 2012-11-29 2012-11-29, 1-Jan-2013 [Schedule 4] 4
2015 No. 2 Generator ramp rates and dispatch inflexibility in bidding AER 2015-03-19 2016-07-01
2014 No. 2 Victorian jurisdictional derogation (smelter agreements) Minister for Energy and Resources (Victoria) 2014-04-10 2014-08-01 64
2015, No 5 System Restart Ancillary Services AEMO GDF Suez Australian Energy Origin Energy NGF AGL Energy Limited Alinta Energy Energy Brix Intergen 2015-04-02 2015-07-01 72
2014 No. 5 Minor Changes 2014 AEMC 2014-05-22 2014-07-01, 01/10/2014 [Schedule 2] 63
2015 No. 13 Bidding in Good Faith Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy (South Australia) 2015-12-10 2016-07-01
2015 No. 12 Expanding competition in metering and related services COAG Energy Council 2015-11-26 2015-11-26, 01/12/2017 76
2014 No. 6 Extension of Call Notice Timing AEMO 2014-06-12 2014-07-01 63
NER 2014 No. 7; NERR 2014 No.2 Customer access to information about their energy consumption COAG Energy Council 2014-11-06 2014-12-01, 1-Sep-2015 [Schedules 2 & 3 NERR], and 1-Mar-2016 [Schedule 1 NERR] 66
2014 No. 8 Connecting embedded generators under Chapter 5A Clean Energy Council 2014-11-13 2015-03-01 67
2015 No. 1 Early application of STPIS components to transmission businesses ElectraNet 2015-02-19 2015-02-19 68
2015 No. 3 Governance Arrangements and Implementation of the Reliability Standard and Settings COAG Energy Council 2015-03-17 2015-03-26 70
2015 No. 4 Improving demand side participation information provided to AEMO by registered participants COAG Energy Council 2015-03-26 2015-03-26 70
2015 No. 8 Demand Management Incentive Scheme TEC COAG Energy Council 2015-08-20 2015-08-20, 01-Dec-2016 [Schedules 1, 2 & 3] 73
8 Demand Management and Embedded Generation Connection TEC COAG Energy Council 2015-08-20 2015-08-20, 1 December 2016 73
2016 No. 1 Compensation arrangements following application of an administered price cap and administered floor COAG Energy Council 2016-02-04 2016-02-04, 29-Sep-2016 [Schedule 2] 78
NER and NGR Final Rules Retailer insolvency costs - pass through provisions COAG Energy Council 2017-02-02 2017-02-09
2015 No. 15 Embedded Networks AEMO 2015-12-17 2015-12-17, 01-Dec-2016 [Schedule 1]; 01-Dec-2017 [Schedules 2, 4 & 5] 76
2015 No. 6 Aligning TasNetworks’ regulatory control periods TasNetworks 2015-04-09 2015-04-09 71
Rule not made Multiple Trading Relationships AEMO 2016-02-25
NER and NGR Final Rules Retailer-Distributor Credit Support Requirements AGL Energy Limited 2017-02-02 2017-02-09
2016 No. 2 Meter Replacement Processes ERM Power 2016-03-10 2016-03-10, 01-Dec-2017 [Schedule 1] 78
2015 No. 9 AEMO access to demand forecasting information COAG Energy Council 2015-10-22 2015-10-22 74
Aligning network and retail tariff structures for small customers COAG Energy Council 2015-09-17
2016 No.10 Demand Response Mechanism and Ancillary Services Unbundling COAG Energy Council 2016-11-24 2017-07-01
2015 No. 7 Minor Changes 2015 AEMC 2015-06-04 2015-07-01 72
Compliance with dispatch instructions Snowy Hydro Limited 2016-05-05
2016 No.8 Application of offsets in the prudential margin calculation AEMO 2016-09-22 2016-09-29
Demand side obligations to bid into central dispatch Snowy Hydro Limited 2017-09-12
2015 No. 10 Common definitions of distribution reliability measures COAG Energy Council 2015-10-29 2015-11-05, 30-June-2017 [Schedule 2] 75
2016 No. 12 Local Generation Network Credits City of Sydney Total Environment Centre Property Council of Australia 2016-12-08 2016-12-15, 01-07-17 87
4 Transmission Connection and Planning Arrangements COAG Energy Council 2017-05-23 2017-05-30, 01/07/2018 92
2015 No. 11 Second Minor Changes 2015 AEMC 2015-11-05 2015-11-05 75
2015 No. 14 Review frequency for the Template for Generator Compliance Programs Reliability Panel 2015-12-03 2015-12-17
Improving the accuracy of customer transfers COAG Energy Council 2017-02-02
Rule not made Using estimated reads for customer transfers COAG Energy Council 2017-02-02
2016 No. 3 Energy Adequacy Assessment Projection timeframes AEMO 2016-05-19 2016-05-26, 1-Nov-2016 [Schedule 2] 80
2016 No.6 Updating the electricity B2B framework COAG Energy Council Red Energy Lumo Energy 2016-06-30 2016-06-30, (Schedules 1 and 5 of Amending Rule); 01-12-17 (Schedules 2, 3 and 4 of Amending Rule) 82
2017 No. 15 Five Minute Settlement Sun Metals Corporation Pty Ltd 2017-11-28 2021-07-01 104
2016 No. 5 Extension of the Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader COAG Energy Council 2016-06-23 2016-06-23, 01-Nov-2017 [Schedule 2] 81
2016 No. 11 Market participant suspension framework COAG Energy Council 2016-12-01 2017-01-01 88
Non-scheduled generation and load in central dispatch Snowy Hydro Limited ENGIE 2017-09-12
2016 No. 4 Registration of proponents of new types of generation AEMO 2016-05-26 2016-05-26 80
2016 No.7 Register of Large Generator connections COAG Energy Council 2016-09-01 2017-07-01
2016 No. 9 Rate of Return Guidelines review AER 2016-10-13 2016-10-20 84
NER 5 Replacement expenditure planning arrangements AER 2017-07-18 2017-07-18, 18-09-17 94
Inertia Ancillary Service Market AGL Energy Limited 2018-02-06
2017 No. 6 Participant derogation - NSW DNSPs Revenue Smoothing Ausgrid Endeavour Energy Essential Energy 2017-08-01 2017-08-15
Managing the rate of change of power system frequency South Australian Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy 2017-09-19 2018-07-01
2017 No.2 Emergency overfrequency control schemes South Australian Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy 2017-03-30 2017-04-06 89
2017 No.2 Emergency frequency control schemes South Australian Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy 2017-03-30 2017-04-06 89
Managing power system fault levels South Australian Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy 2017-09-19 2017-11-17, 01/07/2018
No. 16 Contestability of energy services COAG Energy Council 2017-12-12 2017-12-19 104
Alternatives to grid-supplied network services Western Power 2017-12-19
2017 No. 7 Participant derogation - ACT DNSP Revenue Smoothing ActewAGL 2017-08-01 2017-08-15
Contestability of energy services - demand response and network support Australian Energy Council 2017-12-12
11 Generating system model guidelines AEMO 2017-09-19 2017-09-19, 2018-07-01 97
13 Secondary trading of settlement residue distribution units Westpac Banking Corporation 2017-10-10 2017-10-20 100
2017 No. 3 Minor Changes 2017 AEMC 2017-04-19 2017-05-02 91
8 Classification of loads as ancillary service loads AEMO 2017-08-08 2017-08-29 96
12 Application of rate of return guidelines to TasNetworks TasNetworks 2017-09-26 2017-10-03 99
14 Pricing during market suspension AEMO 2017-10-10 2017-12-01 101
Rule made no.13, Rules version 115 Participant compensation following market suspension AEMO 2018-11-15 2018-11-22, 20/12/18 and 1/07/21
17 Declaration of lack of reserve conditions AEMO 2017-12-19 2017-12-19, 2018-01-16 104
Generator technical performance standards AEMO 2018-09-27 2018-10-05
2018 No. 9 Register of distributed energy resources COAG Energy Council 2018-09-13
1 System restart plan release provisions AEMO 2018-02-20 2018-02-27
2 Testing of system restart ancillary services capability AEMO 2018-03-20 2018-04-10
3 Implementation of demand management incentive scheme AER 2018-04-03 2018-04-10
Rule 2018 No.8 Establishing values of customer reliability COAG Energy Council 2018-07-05 2018-05-10
Reporting of aggregate generation capacity for MT PASA AEMO 2018-05-24 2018-05-31
6, Rules version 110 Reliability Panel governance arrangements Reliability Panel 2018-06-07 2018-07-01
2018 No. 4 Minor changes 2018 AEMC 2018-04-03 2018-04-10, Schedule 2: 01-Jul-2018 107
3 Enhancement to the Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader AEMO 2019-05-02 2019-10-31, 26-Mar-2020
15 (NEL) and 7 (NERL) Metering installation timeframes The Honourable Josh Frydenberg MP, on behalf of the Australian Government 2018-12-06 16
7 Reinstatement of the long notice Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader AEMO 2018-06-21 2018-06-21, 13/07/2018
Generator three year notice of closure Dr Kerry Schott AO 2018-11-08
Global settlement and market reconciliation AEMO 2018-12-06
Estimated meter reads The Honourable Josh Frydenberg MP, on behalf of the Australian Government Dr Daryl Dodt Kirsty Johnson (Private individual) 2018-10-25 2019-02-01
2018 No. 4 Estimated meter reads – self reads (retail) The Honourable Josh Frydenberg MP, on behalf of the Australian Government 2018-10-25
2018 No. 4 Estimated meter reads – solar systems Dr Daryl Dodt 2018-10-25
Meter installation – planned interruptions Australian Energy Council 2018-12-06
Meter installation – advanced meter communications Australian Energy Council 2019-03-21
9 Wholesale demand response mechanism Public Interest Advocacy Centre Total Environment Centre The Australia Institute 2020-06-11 2021-03-31, 24 October 2021 142
2020 No. 9 Wholesale demand response mechanism (retail) Public Interest Advocacy Centre Total Environment Centre The Australia Institute 2020-06-11
2018 No. 11 Minor changes 2 AEMC 2018-11-08 2018-11-09
2020 No. 9 Wholesale demand response register mechanism Australian Energy Council 2020-06-11 2021-03-31, 24 October 2021 142
2020 No. 9 Wholesale demand response register mechanism (retail) Australian Energy Council 2020-06-11
Market making arrangements in the NEM ENGIE 2019-09-19
2020 No. 9 Mechanisms for wholesale demand response South Australian Minister for Energy 2020-06-11 2021-03-31, 2021-10-24 142
2020 No. 9 Mechanisms for wholesale demand response (retail) South Australian Minister for Energy 2020-06-11
2 Transmission loss factors Adani Renewables 2020-02-27 2020-03-05, Schedule 1 and 3 commence 5 March 2020, Schedule 2 commences 1 July 2021 133
11 Application of the Regional Reference Node Test to the Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader AEMO 2019-12-19 2019-12-20, 01-Jul-2021
Alignment of intervention compensation and settlement timetables AEMO 2019-05-30 2019-05-30, 2019-07-01
5, Rule version 121 Intervention compensation and settlement processes AEMO 2019-05-30 2019-05-30, 01/07/2021
No.12 Generator registrations and connections Australian Energy Council Mr Damien Vermeer 2021-10-21 2021-10-24, Schedule 1 of the Rule commences on 21 April 2022
8 Transparency of new projects Australian Energy Council 2019-10-24 2019-11-07, 01/12/2019, 19/12/2019
12 Threshold for participant compensation following market intervention AEMO 2019-12-19 2019-12-20
Short term forward market AEMO 2020-03-05
Early implementation of ISP priority projects Dr Kerry Schott AO 2019-04-04 2019-04-11
NEM information for project developers AEMO 2019-10-24
Loss factor frameworks Adani Renewables 2020-02-27
ISP priority projects – SA Energy Transformation Dr Kerry Schott AO 2019-04-11
AER reporting on FCAS market outcomes AER 2019-07-25
Application period for contingent project revenue Dr Kerry Schott AO 2019-04-26 2019-05-02
11 Demand management incentive scheme and innovation allowance for TNSPs Energy Networks Australia 2019-12-05 2021-03-31 128
Version 124 Five minute settlement and global settlement implementation amendments AEMO 2019-08-08
TNSP exemptions from confidentiality requirements Energy Networks Australia 2019-10-24
Improving transparency and extending duration of MT PASA ERM Power 2020-02-20 133
Extension of MT PASA duration ERM Power 2020-02-20
1 Efficient reactive current access standards for inverter-based resources Renewable Energy Revolution Pty Ltd 2023-04-27
No.6 Monitoring and reporting on frequency control framework AEMO 2019-07-25 2020-01-01
2020 No. 7 Introduction of metering coordinator planned interruptions Chair of the Competition Metering Industry Group (CMIG), a sub-branch of Master Electricians Australia 2020-05-21 2020-05-28, Schedule 1 (NER, NERR) commences on 21 July 2020, Schedule 2 (NERR) commences on 21 August 2020, Schedule 2 (NER) commences on 1 July 2021 139
2019 No. 14 Reducing customers’ switching times AEMO 2019-12-19
Rule 2020 No. 5. Primary frequency response requirement Dr Peter Sokolowski 2020-03-26 2020-06-04
No.8 Primary frequency response incentive arrangements AEMO 2022-09-08 2022-09-08, Sunday 8 June 2025 187
6 System restart services, standards and testing AEMO 2020-04-02 2020-04-02, Schedule 1 of this Rule commences on 2 November 2020
National Electricity Amendment (Transparency of unserved energy calculation) Rule 2020 No. 16 Transparency of unserved energy calculation AEMC Reliability Panel 2020-11-19 2020-12-17, Schedule 2 on 19 November 2020 NER v154 and NT NER v62
Mandatory primary frequency response AEMO 2020-03-26 2020-06-04, 4/06/23, 26/03/20 5
Integrating energy storage systems into the NEM AEMO 2021-12-02 2021-12-09, Schedules 1 to 6 of the Rule commence on 3 June 2024
System restart services procedures AER 2020-04-02
13 Application of compensation in relation to AEMO interventions AEMO 2019-12-19 2019-12-20, 01-Jul-2021 129
2019 No. 9 Minor changes 2019 AEMC 2019-11-21 2019-11-21 127
2020 No. 4 Victorian jurisdictional derogation – RERT contracting The Honourable Lily D'Ambrosio MP, Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Minister for Solar Homes 2020-03-12 2020-04-16 134
14 Compensation for market participants affected by intervention events AEMO 2021-12-02 2021-12-09 175
14 Affected participant compensation for FCAS losses AEMO 2021-12-02 2021-12-09, 1 August 2022 175
Recovering affected participant compensation for RERT activation AEMO 2020-09-10
Rule 2020, No. 18 Compensation following directions for services other than energy and market ancillary services AEMO 2020-12-17 2021-03-21, 17 December 2020
13 Changes to intervention mechanisms AEMO 2020-09-10 2020-09-17 150
9 Improving security frameworks for the energy transition Hydro Tasmania and Delta Electricity 2024-03-28
14 Removal of intervention hierarchy AEMO 2020-09-10 2020-10-22, Schedules 1, 2 and 3 of this Rule commence operation on 22 October 2020. Schedule 4 of this Rule commences operation on 24 October 2021, immediately after the commencement of Schedules 1, 3, 4 and 5 of the National Electricity Amendment (Wholesale demand 149
Removal of obligation to counteract during intervention AEMO 2020-09-10
Connection to dedicated connection assets AEMO 2021-07-08 2021-07-08, Schedules 1 to 4 of the rule commence operation on 22 July 2021
2020 No. 3 Minor changes 2020 AEMC 2020-03-12 2020-03-19, Schedule 2 of National Electricity Amendment: 6 February 2022 135
6 Enhancing reserve information (formerly Operating reserves) Iberdrola Australia Limited and Delta Electricity 2024-03-21 6
Fast frequency response market ancillary service Infigen Energy Limited 2021-07-15 2021-07-22, Schedule 1 commences operation on 9 October 2023 and Schedule 2 commences operation on 22 July 2021
10 Delayed implementation of five minute and global settlement AEMO 2020-07-09 2020-07-09
2020 No. 8 Minor changes 2 2020 AEMC 2020-05-28 2020-06-04 141
11 Efficient management of system strength on the power system TransGrid 2021-10-21 2022-12-01, NER version 174 and NT NER version 79 for schedule 10 commences 24/10/2021 NER version 174
1 Technical standards for distributed energy resources AEMO 2021-02-25 2021-12-18, 4 March 2021 158
2020 no.11 Deferral of network charges AER 2020-08-06 2020-08-06 146
5 Implementing a general power system risk review COAG Energy Council 2021-06-03 2022-01-10, Schedule 2 commences 3 June 2021 164
1 Enhancing operational resilience in relation to indistinct events COAG Energy Council 2022-03-03 2022-03-10, Schedule 1 of the Rule commences on 9 March 2023 and Schedule 2 of the Rule commences on 3 June 2024 179
Prioritising arrangements for system security during market suspension COAG Energy Council 2021-06-17
Capacity commitment mechanism for system security and reliability services Delta Electricity 2024-03-28
Introduction of ramping services Delta Electricity 2024-03-21
Network planning and access for distributed energy resources Total Environment Centre and Australian Council of Social Service 2021-08-12
Allowing DNSPs to charge for exports to the network St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria 2021-08-12
9 Access, pricing and incentive arrangements for distributed energy resources SA Power Networks 2021-08-12 2021-08-19, Schedule 2 of this Rule commences on 1 July 2022 170
2020 No. 12 Minor changes 3 2020 AEMC 2020-08-20 2020-08-27 149
17 Simplification of NER definitions AEMO Dr Kerry Schott AO 2020-11-26 2021-02-22 157
Amendments to NER definitions to align with the NEL Dr Kerry Schott AO 2020-11-26
15 Reallocation of national transmission planner costs AEMO 2020-10-29 2020-10-29 NER 152
19 Prudent discounts in an adoptive jurisdiction The Honourable Lily D'Ambrosio MP, Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Minister for Solar Homes 2020-12-17 2020-12-17
No.12 Improving connection process for embedded generators Mr Damien Vermeer 2021-10-21
Governance of distributed energy resources technical standards Dr Kerry Schott AO 2022-03-17
2 Semi-scheduled generator dispatch obligations AER 2021-03-11 2021-03-11, Schedule 1 - 12 April 2021; Schedule 2 - 1 October 2021; Schedule 3 - 24 October 2021; Schedule 4 11 March 2021 157
Participant derogation – financeability of ISP projects (TransGrid) TransGrid 2021-04-08
Participant derogation – financeability of ISP Projects (ElectraNet) ElectraNet 2021-04-08
2020 No. 20 Minor changes 4 2020 AEMC 2020-12-17 2020-12-17 156
Rule 2022 No. 6 Improving consultation procedures in the rules AEMO 2022-08-04 2022-08-11 NER 185, NT NER 90
3.15 NEM settlement under low, zero and negative demand conditions AEMO 2021-06-17 2021-09-01, Schedule 1 – 1 September 2021 and Schedule 2 – 1 October 2021 No.6 of 2021
10 Material change in network infrastructure project costs ERM Power Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) Major Energy Users Inc. AGL Energy Limited Delta Electricity 2022-10-27 2022-10-27, Monday, 9 October 2023 NER v189 and NT NER v94 (for transitionals)
10 Settlement under low operational demand Infigen Energy Limited 2021-10-07 2022-10-10 173
2021 No. 3 Minor changes 1 2021 AEMC 2021-04-22 2021-04-22 163
Performance standards for reactive current response to disturbance GE International Inc Goldwind Australia Pty Ltd Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy Pty Ltd Vestas Australia Wind Technology Pty Ltd 2023-04-20
2021 No. 4 Minor changes 2 2021 AEMC 2021-05-27 2021-05-27 165
2022 No. 4 Updating Short Term PASA AEMO 2022-05-05 2022-05-19, - Schedule 3 commences; and 03-Jun-2024 Schedule 2 commences
Contingency arrangements for five minute settlement implementation AEMO 2021-09-09 2021-10-01
16 Removal of unaccounted for energy from liable load in the Retailer Reliability Obligation AEMO 2021-12-23 2022-05-01
Recovering the cost of AEMO’s participant fees Energy Networks Australia 2022-10-20 2022-10-27
No.2 Extension of time and reduction in scope of the 2022 reliability standard and settings review Dr Kerry Schott AO 2022-03-03 2022-03-10 178
15 Minor changes 3 2021 AEMC 2021-12-16 2022-01-10 177
7 Enhancing information on generator availability in MT PASA AEMO 2022-08-18 2022-08-18, Schedule 1: 9 October 2023, Schedule 2: 3 June 2024, Schedule 3: 31 July 2025, Schedule 4: 18 August 2022 NER v186, NT NER v91
AER reporting on market outcomes AER 2022-05-19 2022-05-19
2022 No. 3 Minor changes 1 2022 AEMC 2022-04-21 2022-04-21 180
12 Establishing revenue determinations for Intending TNSPs Marinus Link Pty Ltd 2022-12-22 2023-01-23
15, 4 Unlocking CER benefits through flexible trading AEMO 2024-08-15 2025-05-31, - Schedule 2, 1-Nov-2026 - Schedules 3, 4 and 5; 29-Aug-2024 - Schedule 1 and 6 NER 215, NERR 42
2022 No. 11 Amending the administered price cap Alinta Energy 2022-11-17 2022-12-01 191
Minor changes 1 2023 AEMC 201
24 Integrating price-responsive resources into the NEM AEMO 2024-12-19 2027-05-27, Schedule 1 ; 31-March-2026, Schedule 2 ; 1-Jan-2026, Schedule 3 ; 23-May-2027, Schedule 4 ; 19-Dec-2024, Schedule 5 222
​​Implementing integrated energy storage systems​ AEMO 2023-05-04 2024-05-11
6 Amendment of the Market Price Cap, Cumulative Price Threshold and Administered Price Cap Reliability Panel 2023-12-07 2025-07-01, 01-July-2026; 01-July-2027
8 Accommodating financeability in the regulatory framework The Honourable Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy and Energy Networks Australia 2024-03-21 2024-03-29 208
7 ​​Sharing concessional finance benefits with consumers​ The Honourable Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy 2024-03-21 2024-03-29 208
5 Enhancing community engagement in transmission building The Honourable Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy 2023-11-09 2023-12-05 204
3 Clarifying mandatory primary frequency response obligations for bidirectional plant AEMO 2024-03-07 2024-06-03, Sunday, 8 June 2025
13 Enhancing investment certainty in the R1 process Clean Energy Council 2024-06-27 2024-07-11 214
2023 No.4 Extension of the application of the IRM to the RRO AEMO 2023-09-21 2023-09-21 202
1 Harmonising the national energy rules with the updated national energy objectives (electricity) Energy Senior Officials on behalf of the Ministerial Council on Energy 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 205
4 Improving the workability of the feedback loop The Honourable Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy 2024-03-07 2024-03-14 207
Integrating price-responsive resources into the NEM (retail) AEMO
Rule 2 of 2024 Calculation of system strength quantity AEMO 2024-02-29 206
20 Accelerating smart meter deployment Intellihub, SA Power Networks and Alinta Energy 2024-11-28 217
17 ​​Bringing early works forward to improve transmission planning​ The Honourable Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy 2024-09-05 216
18 Providing flexibility in the allocation of interconnector costs The Honourable Chris Bowen MP; The Honourable Lily D’Ambrosio MP; The Honourable Nick Duigan MLC
Rule 2024 No.14 Managing ISP project uncertainty through targeted ex post reviews The Honourable Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy
22 Shortening the settlement cycle Globird Energy Pty. Ltd. 2024-12-12 2024-12-19, Schedule 2 ; 09-Aug-2026, Schedule 1 222
Rule 5 of 2024 Resetting Powerlink’s system strength unit prices Powerlink Queensland 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 207
​​Expanding the transmission ring-fencing framework​ AER
23 Cyber security roles and responsibilities The Honourable Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy 2024-12-12 2024-12-12 221
19 Retailer reliability obligation exemption for scheduled bi-directional units Tesla, Neoen and Iberdrola 2024-11-14 2024-12-03, 1-Nov-2026 217
Minor changes 1 2024 AEMC 2024-05-30 2024-06-03 211
2 Improving the cost recovery arrangements for Transmission non-network options TransGrid 2025-03-13 225
No 25 and No. 7 of 2024 Better integration of gas and community sentiment into the ISP The Honourable Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy NER version 222 and NGR version 83
No. 26 and of 2024 Improving consideration of demand-side factors in the ISP The Honourable Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy 2024-12-19 NER version 222
Better integration of gas and community sentiment into the ISP The Honourable Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy 2024-12-19
Rule 2024 No. 21 Rescheduling the generator compliance programs review Reliability Panel 2024-11-28 2024-12-05
2025 No. 3 Amendment to frequency performance payment cost recovery AEMO 2025-03-13 2025-06-08, Schedule two (transitionals): Thursday, 20 March 2025 226
1 ​​South Australian jurisdictional derogation – Interim reliability reserve eligibility​ Hon Tom Koutsantonis MP, Minister for Energy and Mining in South Australia 2025-01-23 2025-01-23 224
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