Rule Change: Completed
Final Determination
On 5 May 2022, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC or Commission) made a more preferable final rule to amend the ST PASA.
The final rule provides a specific objective for ST PASA, and introduces principles that are linked to the objective to guide AEMO as it administers ST PASA. This framework will enable AEMO and market participants to work together to decide on the appropriate information to be included in ST PASA.
The final rule:
- Requires AEMO to develop the ST PASA procedures to describe how it will administer the ST PASA process, including:
- How AEMO will prepare inputs for ST PASA
- The information AEMO will publish to meet the ST PASA objective
- The processes and methodologies AEMO will apply to produce the ST PASA information
- The granularity of information if it is different to 30 minutes
- The information required to be submitted by each relevant registered participant
- Requires AEMO to comply with the Rules consultation procedures when amending the ST PASA procedures, except for minor or administrative changes.
- Requires AEMO to publish generator availability information for each unit and station, or DUID.
- Changes the definitions of PASA availability and energy constraint.
On 28 June 2021, the AEMC received a rule change request from AEMO to amend the national electricity rules.
AEMO’s proposed rule seeks to amend clause 3.7.3 of the NER to:
- introduce a principles-based approach, with the intention of removing unnecessary prescription and non-essential detail from the NER and placing it in AEMO procedures
- amend the ST PASA timeframe to reflect current practices
- publish generator availability information on a per unit, or dispatchable unit identifier (DUID), level
- amend the definition of PASA availability and energy constraint.
Consultation paper
On 26 August 2021, the AEMC published a consultation paper seeking feedback on the proposal. Submissions were due 23 September 2021 and are published below.
Draft Determination
On 2 December 2021, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC or Commission), made a more preferable draft rule to amend the ST PASA. Submissions to the draft determination were due 10 February 2022 and are published below.