Rule Change: Completed


On 1 April 2021, the AEMC published the self-initiated Minor changes 2 2021 rule change proposal.
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On 1 April 2021, the AEMC published the self-initiated Minor changes 2 2021 rule change proposal.  

The rule change proposal was being initiated by the AEMC to correct minor errors and make non-material changes to the National Electricity Rules (NER), National Gas Rules (NGR) and National Energy Retail Rules (NERR) to improve their quality.  As with previous AEMC initiated rules, these minor corrections and non-material changes make the rules clearer to stakeholders.

The proposed rules (as now made as final) sought to:

  • insert notes in the Rules to identify the relevant tier classification for civil penalty provisions that resulted from changes made under the Statutes Amendment (National Energy Law) (Penalties and Enforcement) Act 2020;
  • ensure consistency across the NER, including changing certain references to "the Law" to "NEL"; and
  • correct punctuation and formatting errors, including italicisation and bolding of defined terms and legislation.

Submissions to the rule change proposal closed on 29 April 2021. The Commission received no submissions on the Rule change proposal.

The Commission undertook an expedited process for this rule change request as it is considered non-controversial. Under an expedited rule making process, a final rule determination must be made within eight weeks of the initiation of the process under the uniform energy rules.

The AEMC did not receive any objections to it assessing the rules under the expedited rule making process.

The AEMC has made a final rule determination to make the Minor changes 2 2021.


On 1 April 2021, the AEMC gave notice under sections 95 and 96(1)(a) of the National Electricity Law, sections 303 and 304(1)(a) of the National Gas Law, and 251 and 252 of the National Energy Retail Law of its intention to initiate the proposed National Electricity Amendment (Minor changes 2) Rule 2021, National Gas Amendment (Minor changes 2) Rule 2021, and the National Energy Retail Amendment (Minor changes 2) Rule 2021 under the expedited Rule making process.

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