Rule Change: Completed


On 4 June 2015, the AEMC made the National Electricity Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2015. This Rule was initiated by the AEMC to correct minor errors and make non-material changes to the National Electricity Rules (NER). The National Electricity Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2015 will commence operation on 1 July 2015.
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On 4 June 2015, the AEMC made the National Electricity Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2015. This Rule was initiated by the AEMC to correct minor errors and make non-material changes to the National Electricity Rules (NER).

The National Electricity Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2015 will commence operation on 1 July 2015.

The Commission considers that the final Rule will improve the quality of the NER in terms of accuracy and consistency. The Commission considers that the final Rule is likely to contribute to the achievement of the NEO (as applicable), although the efficiency benefits that will result from the final Rule are considered to be very small given the minor or non-material nature of the changes proposed.

The final Rules support effective and transparent regulation and operation of the NEM, by clarifying the operation of the Rules in the following ways:

• correction of minor errors, including formatting, typographical and cross referencing anomalies in the Rules;

• omission of Chapter 10 definitions that are not used in the NER; and

• removal of redundant provisions from the Rules



On 23 April 2015, the Commission gave notice under sections 95 and 96(1)(a) of the National Electricity Law of its intention to initiate the proposed National Electricity Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2015 under the expedited Rule making process.

No objections to the expedited rule making process were received. No submissions were received.

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