Rule Change: Completed


On 3 April 2018, the AEMC made the National Electricity Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2018 No. 4, the National Gas Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2018 No. 1 and the National Energy Retail Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2018 No. 1. These Rules were made by the AEMC to correct minor errors and make non-material changes to the National Electricity Rules (NER), National Gas Rules (NGR) and the Energy Retail Rules (NERR).
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On 3 April 2018, the AEMC made the National Electricity Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2018 No. 4, the National Gas Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2018 No. 1 and the National Energy Retail Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2018 No. 1. These Rules were made by the AEMC to correct minor errors and make non-material changes to the National Electricity Rules (NER), National Gas Rules (NGR) and the Energy Retail Rules (NERR).

Schedule 1 of the National Electricity Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2018 No.4 commenced operation on 10 April 2018, and Schedule 2 of this Rule commenced on 1 July 2018.

Schedule 1 of the National Gas Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2018 No. 1 commenced operation on 10 April 2018, and Schedule 2 of this Rule commenced on 30 September 2018.

Schedule 1 of the National Energy Retail Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2018 No. 1 commenced operation on 10 April 2018, and Schedule 2 of this Rule commenced on 1 February 2019.

The Commission considers that the final Rules will improve the quality of the NER, NGR and NERR in terms of accuracy and consistency. The Commission considers that the final Rules are likely to contribute to the achievement of the NEO, NGO and the NERO (as applicable).

The final Rules support effective and transparent regulation and operation of the NEM, the natural gas markets and  retail energy markets respectively, by clarifying the operation of the Rules in the following ways:

  1. correct minor errors that currently exist in the National Energy Rules (NER), National Gas Rules (NGR) and National Energy Retail Rules (NERR) or will arise on commencement of schedules to certain amending rules;
  2. insert notes in the Rules indicating new civil penalty and conduct provisions as made by the National Electricity (South Australia) (Civil Penalties) Variation Regulations 2017, National Energy Retail (Civil Penalties) Variation Regulations 2017 and the National Gas (South Australia)(Civil Penalties) Variation Regulations 2017; and
  3. to correct an error made to clause 5.16.3(a)(8) of the NER under the National Electricity Amendment (Replacement expenditure planning arrangements) Rule 2017.


On 3 February 2018, the AEMC gave notice under sections 95 and 96(1)(a) of the National Electricity Law, sections 303 and 304(1)(a) of the National Gas Law, and 251 and 252 of the National Energy Retail Law of its intention to initiate the proposed National Electricity Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2018, National Gas Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2018, and the National Energy Retail Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2018 under the expedited Rule making process.

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