Getting Started

If you wish to propose a rule change or trial rule change, the documents that you need to lodge must meet the content requirements.

To help you understand these requirements and the lodgement process, please see our guidelines for  submitting a:

Requests for trial rule changes should be made through the Energy Innovation Toolkit portal.

A request for a rule change may be expedited where it is 'non-controversial' or 'urgent' within the meaning of the energy laws.

The AEMC may fast-track a rule change arising out of a review by an energy regulatory body (including AER, AEMO, AEMC) provided that there has been prior public consultation on the subject matter of the rule change.

You can access guidelines for preparing a fast track rule change request.

You can lodge your request online via this website or by posting a hard copy to the AEMC, PO Box A2449 Sydney South NSW 1235.

If you require further assistance, please contact us.

1. Select the rules related to your Rule change proposal

2. Upload submission files

Note: Supporting documents are optional and may have the following file extensions .pdf, .txt, .doc or .docx.
Note: Supporting documents are optional and may have the following file extensions .pdf, .txt, .doc or .docx.
Note: Supporting documents are optional and may have the following file extensions .pdf, .txt, doc or .docx.

3. Add comment to the AEMC

4. Enter your details

Note: Please read our statement regarding your privacy when making a submission to the AEMC.

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