Rule Change: Completed
On 6 November 2014, the AEMC made new rules to make it easier for consumers to obtain information about their electricity consumption from distribution network companies and retailers in an easy-to-understand, affordable and timely way.
The new rules:
- allow customers to obtain their electricity consumption data from their distributor as well as their retailer;
- allow other parties authorised by customers to request access to electricity consumption data from retailers and distributors; and
- requires retailers and distributors to comply with minimum requirements relating to the format, time frames and costs when a customer, or a party authorised by that customer, requests electricity consumption data.
Background to the rule change request
The COAG Energy Council submitted a rule change request to the AEMC that proposed to:
- clarify that customers and their agents or authorised service providers are entitled to obtain their electricity consumption data from either their retailer or distributor;
- require that, upon request, electricity consumption data be provided in an understandable format and in a timely manner; and
- require retailers and distributors to provide information on their respective websites, using common terms, about how electricity consumption data is used and who has access to such data.
The COAG Energy Council’s rule change request has proposed changes to the National Electricity Rules and the National Energy Retail Rules.
The COAG Energy Council’s rule change request stems from certain recommendations in the AEMC’s 2012 power of choice review and includes a component of the COAG Energy Council’s work on the implications for privacy if smart meters are rolled out.