Rule Change: Completed


On 3 December 2015, the AEMC made a rule which amends the frequency of reviews of the template for generator compliance programs from at least every three years, to at least every five years.
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On 3 December 2015, the AEMC made a rule which amends the frequency of reviews of the template for generator compliance programs from at least every three years, to at least every five years.

The rule is likely to result in:

  • a reduction in the administrative burden on stakeholders, including registered participants, AEMO, the AER and the Panel; and
  • no negative impact on reliability and security of supply.

The final rule is the same as the proposed rule. It will commence on 17 December 2015.


On 15 September 2015, the Reliability Panel submitted a rule change request to the Commission seeking to amend the frequency with which generator compliance templates are required to be reviewed from at least every three years, to at least every five years. The AEMC would retain the ability to call for an earlier review of the template if necessary.

The Commission determined that the rule change request was a request for a non-controversial rule. Accordingly, the Commission expedited the rule change request under section 96 of the NEL, subject to any written requests not to do so. The closing date for receipt of written requests was 12 November 2015. No submissions were received.

On 29 October 2015, the AEMC published a consultation paper on the rule change request. Stakeholders were invited to provide comment by 26 November 2015. One submission was received from the AER.

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