Rule Change: Completed
The Rule is substantially the same as the Rule to be made which the Commission published with the final Rule determination with some minor legal editorial and drafting amendments.
The Australian Energy Market Commission initiated the proposed “Minor Changes” Rule to make minor and non-material amendments to the National Electricity Rules. The proposal addresses several categories of change which include: updating terminology that relates to referencing within the Rules, correcting spelling mistakes, as well as typographical and cross referencing errors.
On 30 August 2007, the Commission published a notice under sections 95 and 96 of the NEL commencing public consultation on the proposed National Electricity Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2007.
Objections to the expedited process were due by 13 September 2007.
Submissions were due by 2 October 2007.
On 11 October 2007, the Commission published its Rule determination on the Commission’s National Electricity Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule 2007 in accordance with section 102 of the NEL. The Rule to be made:
- updates terminology relating to the referencing within the Rules;
- corrects spelling mistakes; and
- corrects typographical errors and cross referencing errors.
The Commission considered the Rule to be made will enhance the clarity and consistency of language, referencing and terminology in the Rules. The improvements improve the efficiency of the Rules which in turn fosters an environment of efficient investment and efficient use of electricity services. For these reasons, the Commission considered the Rule to be made is likely to promote the achievement of the NEM objective and therefore satisfies the Rule making test under section 88 of the NEL.
On 25 October 2007, the Commission gave notice under section 103 of the NEL of the making and commencing of the National Electricity Amendment (Minor Changes) Rule No.8. The Rule is substantially the same as the Rule to be made which the Commission published with the final Rule determination with some minor legal editorial and drafting amendments.