Rule Change: Completed
On 26 April 2007, the Commission gave notice under section 102 of the NEL of the publication of its final Rule determination on this proposal. Following further analysis and consideration of the issues raised in submissions on the draft determination, the Commission decided to maintain its draft decision not to make the proposed Rule or any other Rule, as it considered the requirements of the Rule making test are not satisfied. Further details on the Commission’s decision are set out in the Rule determination.
On 14 July 2006, the Commission received a Rule change proposal from Energy Solutions Australia Pty Ltd regarding the obligations of network service providers - connection applications. The proponent requested that the matter be considered as non-controversial.
Under section 94 of the National Electricity Law (NEL) the Commission decided to commence initial consultation on this Rule change proposal by publishing a notice under section 95 of the NEL. The Commission noted that the proponent requested that the matter be treated as non-controversial under section 96 of the NEL. However, the Commission decided not to expedite the Rule change proposal. Submissions on the initial consultation were due 16 October, 2006.
On 21 December 2006, the Commission gave notice under section 107 of the NEL that the period of time for the preparation of the draft Rule determination for the National Electricity Amendment (Obligations of Network Service Providers – Connection Applications) Rule 2006 was extended to 1 February 2007.
On 1 February 2007, the Commission gave notice under section 107 of the NEL that the period of time for the preparation of the draft Rule determination for the National Electricity Amendment - Obligations of Network Service Providers (Connection Applications) Rule 2007 had been extended to 15 February 2007. The Commission considered that this extension was in the public interest as it allowed for a detailed examination of issues raised in submissions.
On 25 January 2007, Energy Solutions Australia gave a presentation to AEMC representatives. The presentation can be viewed below.
The Commission published its draft determination on this proposal on 15 February, advising of its decision not to make a draft Rule. Submissions on the draft determination closed on 30 March 2007.
On 26 April 2007, the Commission gave notice under section 102 of the NEL of the publication of its final Rule determination on this proposal. Following further analysis and consideration of the issues raised in submissions on the draft determination, the Commission decided to maintain its draft decision not to make the proposed Rule or any other Rule, as it considered the requirements of the Rule making test are not satisfied. Further details on the Commission’s decision are set out in the Rule determination.