Rule Change: Completed


On 19 October 2006, the Commission gave notice of the making of the final Rule determination for these proposals in accordance with section 102 of the NEL.
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On 19 October 2006, the Commission gave notice of the making of the final Rule determination for these proposals in accordance with section 102 of the NEL.


On 18 August 2006 the Commission received two Rule change proposal from Woolnorth Studland Bay Wind Farm, a subsidiary of Roaring 40s, seeking a participant derogations from the Rules so:

  • the requirement of continuous uninterrupted operation in excess of 110% of nominal voltage does not apply to its Studland Bay Wind Farm, subject to a proposed expiry date of 1 October 2007; and
  • as to treat Studland Bay Wind Farm as a scheduled generator for the purposes of clause S5.2.5.8(a)(2) of the Rules, subject to a proposed expiry date of 1 August 2007.

Woolnorth Studland Bay Wind Farm requested that its proposals be expedited under section 96 of the National Electricity Law (NEL). The two proposals can be found below.

On 14 September 2006 the Commission gave notice under sections 95 and 96 in relation to this request which commenced initial consultation on these two proposals and advised of the Commission’s intention to expedite the making of these Rules, subject to any written objections received. The Commission did not receive any written objections in relation to expediting these two proposals.

On 19 October 2006, the Commission gave notice of the making of the final Rule determination for these proposals in accordance with section 102 of the NEL. The Commission also gave notice under section 103 of the making of:

  • the National Electricity Amendment (Studland Bay Wind Farm Participant Derogation (Frequency Ride Through)) Rule 2006 No.15;
  • the National Electricity Amendment (Studland Bay Wind Farm Participant Derogation (Voltage Ride Through)) Rule 2006 No.16.

All provisions commenced operation on 1 November 2006.

The Commission published a single final determination on these proposals in accordance with section 93.

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