Rule Change: Completed


EnergyAustralia proposed to change the publication date of transmission network prices from 15 May to 15 March each year. The Commission decided not to make this Rule because, on the information available to it, the proposed Rule did not meet the National Electricity Objective. An alternative rule was suggest by TransGrid to permit transmission network service providers (TNSPs) to use the draft maximum allowed revenue (MAR) for transmission price setting if the final MAR is not available in time. After further consultation, on 26 March 2009 the Commission decided to make this alternative Rule as a more preferable Rule in its final Rule determination.
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EnergyAustralia proposed to change the publication date of transmission network prices from 15 May to 15 March each year. The Commission decided not to make this Rule because, on the information available to it, the proposed Rule did not meet the National Electricity Objective.  An alternative rule was suggest by TransGrid to permit transmission network service providers (TNSPs) to use the draft maximum allowed revenue (MAR) for transmission price setting if the final MAR is not available in time.  After further consultation, on 26 March 2009 the Commission decided to make this alternative Rule as a more preferable Rule in its final Rule determination.


On 27 June 2008, the Commission received a Rule change proposal from EnergyAustralia.

EnergyAustralia’s Rule change proposal seeks to change the publication date of transmission network prices from the 15 May to the 15 March each year.

On 24 July 2008, the Commission published a notice under sections 95 and 96 of the NEL commencing initial consultation on this Rule change proposal and advising of its intention to expedite the Rule change process on the ground that it is non-controversial, subject to the receipt of written objections by 8 August 2008. Submissions on the Rule change proposal were due by 22 August 2008.

On 8 August 2008, the Commission received a written objection from Grid Australia.

On 14 August 2008, the Commission published a notice under section 96(5) of the NEL to progress this Rule Change proposal in accordance with Part 7 Division 3 of the NEL (other than section 96) rather than through an expedited process.

On 16 October 2008, the Commission published a notice under s 107 of the NEL to extend the publication of the draft Rule determination to 20 November 2008. The Commission considered that it was necessary to extend the period of publication on the basis of new information arising through consultation.

On 20 November 2008, the Commission published a notice under section 99 of the NEL advising of the making of its draft Rule determination. The Commission decided not to make the proposed Rule. The Commission made this assessment because it found, on the information available to it, that the proposed Rule would not meet the National Electricity Objective.

On 12 February 2009, the Commission published a notice under section 107A of the National Electricity Law (NEL) to extend the publication date of the final Rule determination and, if appropriate, final Rule by three weeks to 26 March 2009 to allow for additional consultation on a specific issue. The Commission invited public submissions and comment on a specific issue raised by TransGrid to permit transmission network service providers (TNSPs) to use the draft maximum allowed revenue (MAR) for transmission price setting if the final MAR is not available in time.

On 26 March 2009, the Commission published a notice under sections 102 and 103 of the National Electricity Law (NEL) of the making of the National Electricity Amendment (Transmission Network Prices Publication Date) Rule 2009 and its related Rule determination.

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