Rule Change: Completed
Incorporated and harmonised metrology requirements for first tier connection points, which were under the responsibility of individual participating jurisdictions, within the NEM metrology framework. Harmonised current jurisdictional metrology requirements for first tier connection points with requirements for second tier connection points to the maximum extend possible, consistent with jurisdictional policy. Removed duplication of requirements within the existing Rules.
On 30 April 2007 the Commission received a Rule change proposal from NEMMCO that seeks to further address the recommendations of the Joint Jurisdictional Review of the Metrology Procedures. The proposed Rule changes are primarily intended to permit the harmonisation of first tier metrology requirements and bring them into the same Rule framework that now exists for second tier metrology. The proposal also seeks to include Jurisdictional requirements into the national metrology framework.
On 31 May 2007 the Commission published a notice under section 95 of the NEL commencing first round consultation on this proposal and inviting submissions from interested parties. The Commission requested that in making the submissions, interested parties clearly separate and distinguish between comments on the policy of the proposal and comments that relate to the drafting of the proposed Rule.
Submissions were due by 27 July 2007.
On 20 September 2007 the Commission decided to issue a notice under section 107 of the National Electricity Law (NEL) to extend the time for publishing its draft Rule determination on the proposed Integration of NEM Metrology Requirements Rule to 18 October 2007. The Commission decided to extend the time for publishing the draft Rule determination as it considered that it was in the public interest for the Commission to sufficiently address complex issues raised by the proposal particularly in relation to the integration of first tier loads.
On 18 October 2007, the Commission gave notice under section 99 of the NEL of the making of the draft Rule determination and draft Rule on this Rule change proposal. The Commission has determined to make a draft Rule.
The draft Rule generally accepts NEMMCO’s proposed metrology Rule changes with some modifications and enhancements. The Commission also sought feedback on a number of policy issues from interested stakeholders that have been identified through the analysis of the NEMMCO proposal and submissions.
The Commission invited submissions on this draft Rule determination by 13 December 2007.
In accordance with s.101 of the National Electricity Law (NEL), any interested person or body may request that the Commission hold a predetermination hearing in relation to the draft Rule determination. Any request was to be received by the Commission by no later than 25 October 2007.
The Commission also published NEMMCO’s supplementary submission received on 14 September 2007 which was relevant to the Commission’s analysis in its draft Rule determination.
The Commission has also published a mark-up of the Rules incorporating the draft Rule.
On 20 December 2007 the Commission published a notice under section 107 of the National Electricity Law (NEL) to extend the publication of the final Rule determination on this proposal to 21 February 2008. The Commission considered it is in the public interest to extend the publication of the final Rule determination in order to sufficiently analyse and address complex issues raised in submissions.
On 21 February 2008 the Commission published a notice under section 107 of the NEL extending the publication of the final Rule determination in order to sufficiently analyse and address complex issues necessary to finalise the final Rule determination and Rule to be made. The Commission will now publish the final Rule determination and Rule to be made on 6 March 2008. The Commission gave notice under section 102 of the National Electricity Law (NEL) of its final Rule determination published on 6 March 2008. The Commission also gave notice under section 103 of the NEL of the making of the National Electricity Amendment (Integration of NEM Metrology Requirements) Rule 2008. The Rule will commence on 6 March 2008. In making this final Rule determination, the Commission largely adopted NEMMCO’s proposal, with some modifications to enhance and clarify metrology requirements in the NEM. The key elements of the Rule are to: - Incorporate and harmonise metrology requirements for first tier connection points, which are currently under the responsibility of individual participating jurisdictions with the NEM metrology framework; - Harmonise current jurisdictional metrology requirements for first tier connection points with existing requirements for second tier connection points to the maximum extent possible, consistent with jurisdictional policy; - Remove duplication of requirements within the existing Rules. The final Rule determination sets out the reasons for the Commission decision