Any individual, group or organisation can lodge a submission on an open rule change request, or review, with the AEMC.

While we endeavour to have regard to submissions received after the closing date, we cannot guarantee they will be given equal consideration to on-time submissions. If you wish to make a late submission to a project that is not appearing on the below drop-down list, please visit the project page and contact the project leader via the button on the left hand side.

There are no formal requirements for preparing submissions. However, we have put together some guidelines to help you with your submission.

You can lodge your submission online via this website (see below) or by posting a hard copy to the AEMC, GPO Box 2603, Sydney NSW 2001.

If you require further assistance, please contact us.

Publication of submissions

We will generally treat your submission as a public document and may publish or reference the information it contains within a reasonable time of receiving it (which may be before the closing date).

We will not publish or reference any part of a submission that we consider inappropriate, including offensive or defamatory content and content that is likely to infringe intellectual property rights. Before publishing a submission, we will omit any inappropriate content.

We will not publish or reference any part of a submission that we agree is confidential. If you regard any part of your submission to be confidential, please clearly identify that part when lodging it with us, including reasons for your claim. You should not place a blanket statement of confidentiality over the entire submission, unless you genuinely believe that all the information is confidential and not publicly available. If we agree that information is confidential, we will omit that information before publishing your submission and take all reasonable steps to protect the information from unauthorised use or disclosure.

If you include personal information in a submission, we will handle that information in accordance with our privacy policy.

Issues making a submission

If you have any issues making your submission using the form below, please email us your submission and include all of the information below and any relevant attachments.


Note: Supporting documents are optional and may have the following file extensions .pdf, .txt, .doc or .docx.
Note: Supporting documents are optional and may have the following file extensions .pdf, .txt, .doc or .docx.
Note: Supporting documents are optional and may have the following file extensions .pdf, .txt, .doc or .docx.
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