Rule Change: Completed


On 10 April 2014 the AEMC published a final rule determination in respect of the Victorian jurisdictional derogation (Smelter Agreements) rule change. The Commission has determined to make the rule as proposed, with some minor amendments.
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On 10 April 2014 the AEMC published a final rule determination in respect of the Victorian jurisdictional derogation (Smelter Agreements) rule change. The Commission has determined to make the rule as proposed, with some minor amendments.

The rule clarifies that the arrangements through which the State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SEC) is deemed to be the registered participant for the Point Henry smelter and the Anglesea power station will conclude on 31 July 2014.


On 27 February 2014, the AEMC commenced consultation on the Victorian jurisdictional derogation (Smelter Agreements) rule change request. The rule change request was requested to be assessed under an expedited process as a non-controversial rule. No written objections to an expedited process were received.

The proponent, the Minister for Energy and Resources (Victoria), sought to amend the drafting of an existing Victorian jurisdictional derogation.

The rule would clarify that the particular arrangements for National Electricity Market registration under the derogation, in respect of the Point Henry smelter and Anglesea power station, would conclude on the expiry of the Point Henry electricity supply agreement at the end of July 2014.

The AEMC published a brief consultation paper, reflecting the tightly defined nature of the issue and the comprehensive background information provided in the rule change request. Submissions were due by 27 March 2014. One submission was received.


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