Rule Change: Completed
The Advocacy Panel grants funds for advocacy by representatives of business and domestic electricity customers affected by the operations of the National Electricity Market. This Rule addressed governance and accountability issues and funding arrangements for the Panel.
On 15 December 2005, the Commission received a Rule change proposal from the MCE regarding governance, accountability and funding arrangements for the Advocacy Panel.
Under Section 94 of the National Electricity Law (NEL), the Commission decided to commence initial consultation on this Rule change proposal by publishing a notice under section 95 of the NEL. Submissions closed on 10 February 2006.
On 6 April 2006, the Commission gave notice under s.99 of the NEL of its draft Rule determination. In making this draft Rule determination, the Commission took into account all submissions received from first round consultation.
As indicated in its draft Rule determination, the Commission has largely adopted the proposed improved governance and accountability changes, as well as the funding arrangements, as outlined by the MCE in its Rule proposal. The Commission also made amendments to the proposal as drafted to improve the clarity and practical implementation of the Rules as they apply to the operations of the Advocacy Panel. These amendments are in line with the intent of the MCE’s proposal.
The Commission invited submissions in relation to the draft Rule determination. Submissions closed on 19 May 2006.
On 15 June 2006, the Commission gave notice under s102 of the NEL of its final Rule determination, which includes the Rule to be made, the National Electricity Amendment (Advocacy Panel) Rule 2006.
In making this final determination, the Commission took into account all submissions received on this Rule change proposal. Two additional amendments have been made from the draft Rule, which are:
- details on how a review of the guidelines for the appointment of Panel members will be conducted; and
- providing for existing Panel members to be eligible for reappointment.
On 22 June 2006, the Commission made the National Electricity Amendment (Advocacy Panel) Rule 2006 No.8 and also gave notice of the making of this Rule under s.103 of the NEL. All provisions commenced operation on 1 July 2006. The Rule as made was slightly amended from the Rule to be made to incorporate some minor editorial changes.