Rule Change: Completed
The Rule as made brings forward the date when AEMO may release certain information to third parties, where this information relates to plant connecting to the network. The Rule as made also amends the National Electricity Rules (the Rules) to provide users of the information with improved indicators as to its reliability.
On 23 December 2010, the Australian Energy Market Commission (the Commission) gave notice under sections 102 and 103 of the National Electricity Law (NEL) of the making of the Final Rule Determination and Rule as made for the Rule change request "Release of Generator Information by AEMO".
The Rule as made brings forward the date when AEMO may release certain information to third parties, where this information relates to plant connecting to the network. The Rule as made also amends the National Electricity Rules (the Rules) to provide users of the information with improved indicators as to its reliability.
On 6 June 2010, Senergy Econnect Australia Pty Ltd (Senergy) submitted a Rule change proposal to the Commission. The proposed Rule sought to bring forward the date when AEMO may release certain information to third parties, where that information relates to plant currently in the process of being connected to the network.
Under Senergy's proposed Rule, this information could be released by AEMO on the earlier of the date of the execution of the connection agreement of the connecting plant, or 3 months before the proposed start of commissioning of the connecting plant.
On 15 July 2010, the Commission gave notice under section 95 of the NEL to commence consultation on the Rule change proposal.
A Consultation paper prepared by AEMC staff was published and stakeholders were invited to comment on the paper and the proposed Rule. Seven submissions were received to the Consultation Paper.
On 21 October 2010, the Commission gave notice under section 99 of the NEL of the making of the "Release of Generator Information by AEMO" Draft Rule and Draft Rule Determination. The Draft Rule included the changes made in the proposed Rule, with some additional amendments designed to improve awareness of the level of reliability of the information. One submission was received to the Draft Rule and Draft Rule Determination.