Rule Change: Completed
On 31 October 2013, the AEMC made a final determination in relation to a rule change request from EnergyAustralia on access to NMI Standing Data. The rule as made clarifies that retailers and their service providers may access NMI Standing Data.
The Commission considers the rule promotes the efficient delivery of electricity retail services and facilitates retail competition. Consumers will benefit from this rule change as it allows retailers to provide them with accurate quotes and information. Consumers will then be better able to choose electricity offers that are best suited to them.
The rule commences on 31 October 2013.
On 13 November 2012, EnergyAustralia submitted a rule change request about access to NMI Standing Data by retailers and their service providers. The rule change request sought amendments to the National Electricity Rules to clarify retailers’ entitlement to NMI Standing Data. It also sought amendments to clarify the ability of retailers to disclose NMI Standing Data to their service providers (including agents of retailers) who are acting on behalf of retailers.
On 14 March 2013, the AEMC initiated the rule change process and published a consultation paper to facilitate stakeholder feedback on the rule change request. Submissions on the consultation paper closed on 26 April 2013. Fifteen submissions were received.
On 27 June 2013, the AEMC extended by six weeks the period of time under section 107 of the National Electricity Law in which to make a draft rule determination. The reason for the extension was that issues had been raised in submissions which were of sufficient complexity and difficulty to require further analysis.
The AEMC published its draft rule determination and draft rule on 8 August 2013. The Commission made a draft rule that clarified retailers' access to NMI Standing Data and allowed for retailers to disclose to their service providers NMI Standing Data. Submissions on the draft rule determination closed on 19 September 2013. Ten submissions were received.
In the final determination, the Commission addressed the issues raised by stakeholders in submissions to the draft rule determination. The rule as made clarifies that retailers can disclose to their service providers NMI Standing Data or the means to directly gain electronic access to that data.
All submissions received during the consultation process are available on the AEMC’s website.