Rule Change: Completed
On 29 June 2006 the Commission published its final Rule determination for this Rule proposal under s102 of the NEL and also made the National Electricity Amendment (EnergyAustralia Participant Derogation (Metering Installations)) Rule 2006 No.11 and under s103 of the NEL. All provisions commenced on 1 July 2006.
On 28 April 2006, the Commission received a Rule change request from Energy Australia seeking a participant derogation from obligations relating to the testing of metering installations for accuracy. This request replaces the initial Rule change proposal that EnergyAustralia submitted to the Commission on 3 March 2006, in relation to the same issues.
The Commission considered this request received on 28 April 2006 under section 94 of the National Electricity Law (NEL).
EnergyAustralia has also requested the Commission consider this Rule change proposal as non controversial and therefore follow an expedited Rule change process in accordance with the NEL.
The Commission considered this Rule change request and on 11 May 2006 the Commission published a notice under s.95 of the NEL which commences consultation on the Rule change proposal and the proposed National Electricity Amendment (EnergyAustralia Participant Derogation (Metering Installations)) Rule 2006. The Commission invited submissions and comments which closed on 9 June 2006.
The Commission made a preliminary decision to expedite this Rule change proposal under s.96 of the NEL on the grounds that it is non-controversial. This decision was subject to the Commission receiving any objections (with written reasons). Objections were to be received by the Commission by 25 May 2006.
On 29 June 2006 the Commission published its final Rule determination for this Rule proposal under s102 of the NEL and also made the National Electricity Amendment (EnergyAustralia Participant Derogation (Metering Installations)) Rule 2006 No.11 and under s103 of the NEL. All provisions commenced on 1 July 2006.