Energy rules are made by the AEMC under the national energy laws and are designed to promote efficient investment in, and efficient operation and use of, energy services for the long-term interests of consumers with respect to price, quality, safety, reliability, and security of supply.

The Energy Rules:

  • determine how companies can operate and participate in the competitive generation and retail sectors, outlining their rights and responsibilities
  • govern the economic regulation of electricity transmission and distribution networks and gas pipelines, so that consumers do not pay more than necessary for their energy.

Rules have the force of law and are regularly amended by the AEMC or, in special and limited circumstances, by the South Australian Minister for Mineral Resources & Energy who is the Minister responsible for the AEMC to the Energy National Cabinet Reform Committee (ENCRC).

The AEMC does not propose rules (except for minor or non-material changes), rather we make decisions on rule changes requested by stakeholders. In making and amending rules we are required to follow a rule amendment procedure that includes public consultation and publication of relevant documents.

Find more information about:

The National Electricity Rules including:

The National Gas Rules including:

The National Energy Retail Rules including:

Resources for stakeholders including:


Procedures are instruments setting out the detailed requirements for activities carried out under the rules.

Procedures in the National Electricity Market (NEM) are made under and in accordance with the rules.

Procedures in gas markets are effectively made under the National Gas Law (NGL), in accordance with a procedure change process set out in the National Gas Rules (NGR). Changes to gas procedures must also meet a National Gas Objective (NGO) test.


each have a role in developing procedures.