Rule Change: Completed
Enabled all eligible existing generation plant operators to register their performance standards with the NEMMCO by 30 June 2007.
On 4 September 2006 the National Generators Forum (NGF), with the support of the National Electricity Market Management Company (NEMMCO), submitted to the Commission a Rule change proposal to establish arrangements for resolving the performance standards for generators that were connected, or in the process of connecting, at the date the current performance standards regime came into force in their region of the NEM.
The Rule change proposal provides a process for determining the content of the standards, including reference to an independent expert where the generator and NEMMCO cannot agree. The proposal also requires that all performance standards be resolved by 30 June 2007.
On 2 November 2006 the Commission gave notice under sections 95 and 96 of the National Electricity Law in relation to this request which commenced consultation on this proposal and advised of the Commission’s intention to expedite the making of the Rule, subject to any objections received. No objections were received by the specified date, 16 November 2006, and no submissions were received by the closing date, 4 December 2006.
The Commission gave notice on 7 December 2006 under sections 102 and 103 of the making of the National Electricity Amendment (Resolution of existing generator performance standards) Rule 2006 and the corresponding final Rule determination. The Rule commenced operation on 7 December 2006.