Rule Change: Completed


On 13 November 2014, the AEMC made a new rule to help embedded generators under 5MW connect to electricity distribution networks.
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On 13 November 2014, the AEMC made a new rule to help embedded generators under 5MW connect to electricity distribution networks.

The rule provides proponents of embedded generators under 5MW that want to connect to a distribution network with two choices depending on their needs: a more flexible, open and generally shorter connection process; or a more defined, detailed, and generally longer connection process.

The new rule also requires distributors to publish clear information for these embedded generator proponents including information on fees and charges, general technical information and a register of completed projects.


On 15 May 2014, the AEMC commenced consultation on a rule change request from the Clean Energy Council (CEC) on connecting embedded generators under Chapter 5A of the National Electricity Rules (NER).

The CEC considered that embedded generator proponents negotiating a connection to a distribution network under Chapter 5A of the NER will experience unexpected costs, significant delays and an uncertain investment environment.

To resolve this, the CEC proposed amendments to the NER that would increase the level of prescription in the Chapter 5A negotiated connection process. These amendments included requiring distributors to provide specific information to embedded generator proponents at different stages of the connection process and within specified timeframes.

The CEC also proposed a number of other amendments to the negotiated connection process in Chapter 5A of the NER.

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