Rule Change: Completed


The Commission received advice from NEMMCO and from Origin Energy that Origin Energy Electricity Ltd has been registered as the Generator for Mt Stuart effective from 1 January 2007. This change in circumstances means that the derogation is no longer necessary. The Commission has therefore decided not to proceed further with this proposed Rule change. On 11 January 2007, the Commission formally gave notice that it had revoked its earlier decisions under sections 94 and 95 on this proposal to commence the Rule change process.
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The Commission received advice from NEMMCO and from Origin Energy that Origin Energy Electricity Ltd has been registered as the Generator for Mt Stuart effective from 1 January 2007. This change in circumstances means that the derogation is no longer necessary. The Commission has therefore decided not to proceed further with this proposed Rule change. On 11 January 2007, the Commission formally gave notice that it had revoked its earlier decisions under sections 94 and 95 on this proposal to commence the Rule change process.


On 16 November 2006, the Commission received a Rule change request from Origin Energy Electricity Limited seeking a participant derogation in relation to its Mount Stuart Power Station. The derogation relates to the requirements in clause 2.2.1(e)(2) of the Rules that requires a Generator to satisfy NEMMCO that its generating units and the connection points for those generating units comply with the relevant technical requirements set out in Chapter 5 of the Rules for the purpose of registration. Origin Energy has proposed alternative technical requirements for the Mount Stuart Power Station. Origin Energy also requested that the Commission consider the Rule change proposal as a non-controversial and urgent Rule.

As this participant derogation affects the exercise of NEMMCO functions, NEMMCO has, in accordance with the requirements of section 91(6) of the National Electricity Law, provided a letter to the Commission dated 28 November 2006 supporting the derogation.

On 30 November 2006 the Commission gave notice under sections 95 and 96 of the National Electricity Law in relation to this request which commenced consultation on this proposal and advised of the Commission’s intention to expedite the making of the Rule, subject to any objections (in writing with reasons) received. Objections were to be received by 14 December 2006 and submissions closed on 29 December 2006.

The Commission received advice from NEMMCO and from Origin Energy that Origin Energy Electricity Ltd had been registered as the Generator for Mt Stuart effective from 1 January 2007. This change in circumstances means that the derogation is no longer necessary. The Commission therefore decided not to proceed further with this proposed Rule change. On 11 January 2007, the Commission formally gave notice that it had revoked its earlier decisions under sections 94 and 95 on this proposal to commence the Rule change process.

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