The National Energy Customer Framework (NECF) is a suite of legal instruments that regulate the sale and supply of electricity and gas to retail customers.

The main NECF documents are the:

Parts of the NECF are also contained in new chapters of the National Electricity Rules and the National Gas Rules .

There are also relevant:

The NECF currently applies in:

  • the Australian Capital Territory (commenced 1 July 2012);
  • Tasmania (commenced 1 July 2012);
  • South Australia (commenced 1 February 2013)
  • New South Wales (commenced 1 July 2013);
  • Queensland (commenced 1 July 2015); and
  • Victoria - Chapter 5A of the National Electricity Rules only (commenced 1 July 2016).

The National Energy Customer Framework does not currently apply in Western Australia or the Northern Territory and, as noted above, only applies in a limited manner in Victoria. The Northern Territory has adapted a modified form of chapter 5A of the National Electricity Rules with effect from 1 July 2019.

The NECF was developed by State, Territory and Commonwealth energy Ministers through the Council of Australian Government’s Standing Council on Energy and Resources (now the Energy Ministers' Meeting) and COAG Energy Council.

The Australian Energy Market Commission can amend the Retail Rules, Electricity Rules or Gas Rules if it receives a request to do so from any person.

Stakeholders can access our Guide to the application of the NECF.