The National Energy Retail Rules (NERR) govern the sale and supply of energy (electricity and natural gas) from retailers and distributors to customers in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory.

The Rules have the force of law, and are made by the AEMC under the National Energy Retail Law.

In making the Rules, the AEMC is required by law to determine whether the proposed changes to the Rules:

Rules related to retail are contained within the National Electricity Rules, the National Gas Rules and the National Energy Retail Rules.

Regulated prices are set by state-based regulators in some jurisdictions.

While some of the rules have general application to all customers, most are primarily focused on the sale and supply of energy to residential and other small customers, including the key electricity consumer protection measures and model contract terms and conditions.

The Rules:

  • provide the detailed content of the consumer protection measures and model contracts that govern the relationships between consumers, retailers and distributors.
  • facilitate the provision of electricity and gas services to retail customers, including rules relating to:
    • customer connections
    • retail competition - allowing customers to choose between competing retailers and to switch their retailer
    • energy-specific consumer protections
    • basic terms and conditions contained in standard and market retail contracts

The rules are an important part of the National Energy Customer Framework (NECF). Most of the regulation in this sector is administered through general consumer law and by the NECF.

The initial Rules came into operation on 1 July 2012.

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