Under sections 90A to 90EF of the National Electricity Law, the South Australian Minister has the power to make rules amending the National Electricity Rules. The minister has made the following rules under those provisions:

Name of ruleCommencement date/sDate published in SA GazetteVersion of rules
National Electricity Amendment (Orderly Exit Management) Rule 202416 January 20252 January 2025 
National Electricity Amendment (Wholesale Market Monitoring) Rule 202423 May 202423 May 2024210 (NT version114)
National Electricity Amendment (Ministerial Reliability Instrument) Rule 202327 April 202327 April 2023197 (NT version 102)
National Electricity Amendment (Regulatory sandboxing) Rule 202222 December 202222 December 2022193 (NT version 98)
National Electricity Amendment (Consumer Data Right) Rule 202215 November 202210 November 2022190 (NT version 95)
National Electricity Amendment (Interim Reliability Reserve) Rule 202227 October 202220 October 2022189 (NT version 94)
National Electricity Amendment (Regulated stand-alone power systems) Rule 2022

Schedule 3: 3 March 2022

Schedule 1: 1 August 2022

Schedule 2: 30 May 2023

24 February 2022

Schedule 3 of the rule: 178 (NT version 83)

Schedule 1 of the rule: 184 (NT version 89)

National Electricity Amendment (Renewable energy zone planning) Rule 202113 May 202113 May 2021164
National Electricity Amendment (Retailer Reliability Obligation trigger) Rule 202026 November 202019 November 2020155
National Electricity Amendment (Interim Reliability Measure) Rule 202021 August 202020 August 2020148
National Electricity Amendment (Integrated System Planning) Rule 20201 July 20209 April 2020143
National Electricity Amendment (Retailer Reliability Obligation) Rule 20191 July 201927 June 2019123
National Electricity (Binding rate of return instrument) Amendment Rule 20191 February 20197 February 2019119
National Electricity (Energy Consumers Australia) Amendment Rule 201430 January 201511 December 201467
National Electricity (National Energy Retail Law) Amendment Rule 20121 July 201221 October 201151
National Electricity Amendment (Ministerial Smart Meter Roll Out Determinations) Transitional Rule 20101 January 201123 December 201040
National Electricity (Australian Energy Market Operator) Amendment Rules 20091 July 200925 June 200930
National Electricity (Economic Regulation of Distribution Services) Amendment Rules 20071 January 200820 December 200718