The National Electricity Law (NEL) and National Electricity Rules (NER) that apply and operate in the Northern Territory are different to those that apply in other participating jurisdictions. View the fact sheet to learn more.

Northern Territory’s National Electricity Law

In 2015, the Northern Territory passed the National Electricity (Northern Territory) (National Uniform Legislation) Act 2015 (NT Electricity Act). The NT Electricity Act adopts a modified version of the NEL known as the National Electricity (NT) Law.

Under the National Electricity (NT) Law, the AEMC may make a uniform rule or a differential rule with respect to the Northern Territory.

A uniform rule is a rule that applies the same way in all participating jurisdictions, including the Northern Territory. A differential rule is a rule that differs in how it applies in the local electricity systems in the Northern Territory and the national electricity system in the other participating jurisdictions.

The AEMC may make a differential rule if it is satisfied that the rule will, or is likely to, better contribute to the achievement of the National Electricity Objective than a uniform rule.

Northern Territory’s National Electricity Rules

The NER applying in the Northern Territory is the current version of the NER as amended by the National Electricity (Northern Territory) (National Uniform Legislation) (Modification) Regulations 2016 (NT Modification Regulations) made under section 13(2)(c) of the NT Electricity Act.

Under the NT Modification Regulations, the AEMC must publish and maintain on its website an up-to-date copy of the Northern Territory version of the NER as in force from time to time.

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