Rule Change: Completed
The AEMC has made a rule to improve the information provided to the east coast gas market via the Natural Gas Services Bulletin Board (or Bulletin Board).
The rule requires the following additional information to be reported by gas market participants:
- Transmission pipeline operators - 12 month uncontracted capacity outlook, the names of contracted shippers, data from their capacity trading platforms, additional gas flow data and more detailed facility data.
- Production facility operators - more detailed information on network connection points.
- Storage facility operators - the actual volume of gas held in the facility; aggregated injections and withdrawals for the previous gas day, nominated for each gas day and a seven-day forecast; and a 12 month outlook of uncontracted storage capacity. Storage facilities that are used solely as part of production facilities will be required to provide the same information as non-exempt facilities other than aggregated injection and withdrawal nominations for each gas day, and a seven day forecast.
- All facility operators - medium term capacity outlooks using a new standard format.
The Commission considers that the additional information will increase market transparency, providing stakeholders with a better understanding of gas market supply and demand conditions. The changes are likely to reduce search and transaction costs, thereby promoting pipeline and storage capacity trading. This should lead to more efficient utilisation of and investment in gas infrastructure, reducing costs over the longer term to the benefit of gas consumers.
On 1 April 2015, the AEMC received a rule change request from the COAG Energy Council. The request follows from a Regulation Impact Statement process undertaken by Energy Council officials, which considered policy options to increase trade in gas transmission pipeline capacity.
On 16 July 2015, the AEMC published a consultation paper on the Energy Council’s rule change request. Submissions on the consultation paper and rule change request were due by 13 August 2015, with 12 submissions received.
On 1 October 2015, the AEMC published its draft rule determination and draft rule. Submissions were due by 12 November 2015, with 14 received.