The Reliability Panel’s draft report of the 2022 Review of the guidelines for identifying reviewable operating incidents is now available for comment. 

The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) uses the guidelines to determine when a power system security incident is considered a 'reviewable operating incident'. Reviewable operating incidents are sufficiently serious as to be ‘significant’ events on the power system, affecting system security. AEMO is required to investigate and publicly report on these incidents. 

The review follows an AEMO request proposing five changes to the guidelines. The proposed changes seek to improve the efficiency of the guidelines, reduce costs imposed on participants and ensure AEMO only undertakes necessary reviews.

The panel’s review considers AEMO’s requested changes along with additional items that were identified as relevant, including managing changes made to NER frameworks since the guidelines were last reviewed. 

The draft report sets out changes to the guideline aimed at increasing the efficiency of the guidelines, ensuring only necessary reviews are undertaken and participant costs are minimised. 

In addition to feedback on its proposed changes, the panel seeks stakeholder input on other areas before coming to a position. These are:

  • limiting AEMO's reporting on non-secure or non-satisfactory operation of the power system to times where critical transmission elements are affected
  • how the guidelines will manage interactions with the Enhancing operational resilience in relation to indistinct events rule – particularly the changes made in this rule to the definition of contingency event, which now includes sudden and unplanned changes to the power flow of a plant. 

Stakeholder submissions are open until 28 July with the final report and amended guidelines to be published 29 September

Visit the project page for more information and contact details.