The Reliability Panel has published its final report for the 2014 Annual Market Performance Review, which examines the performance of the National Electricity Market in terms of reliability, security and safety of the power system.
The report found there were no reliability events in 2013-14 financial year and unserved energy was found to be within the reliability standard for all regions in the National Electricity Market. The Australian Energy Market Operator was not required to issue any directions for reliability and was not required to exercise the Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader mechanism.
The Australian Energy Market Operator was required to issue one direction for security to maintain the power system in a secure operating state. While there were some frequency excursions outside the frequency operating standards on the mainland and in Tasmania, these incidents were managed without material impacts on the market or market participants.
The Reliability Panel is also not aware of any incidents in 2013-14 financial year where the Australian Energy Market Operator has not achieved its obligations with respect to safety in the National Electricity Market.
Each year under the National Electricity Rules, the Panel is required to review the performance of the National Electricity Market against standards and guidelines determined by the Reliability Panel under Rules.
The final report includes consideration of the stakeholder submission received in response to the draft report, which was published on 13 May 2015 for public consultation.
For more information contact:
Communication Manager, Prudence Anderson 0404 821 935 or (02) 8296 7817