A draft rule announced today grants the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) more flexibility to update the short-term projected assessment of system adequacy (ST PASA) so that it remains fit for purpose as the market develops.

The ST PASA process is the principal method of indicating to the National Electricity Market (NEM) a forecast of power system reliability over a short-term period of seven days.

Under the draft rule, now open for consultation, AEMO has more flexibility to update the inputs, information requirements and the information that is published in ST PASA over time so that it remains fit for purpose. 

The draft rule will allow for the provision of relevant information regarding forecast power system security and reliability conditions over time and will likely result in participants making more efficient decisions in how they interact with the market.

The draft rule also requires AEMO to publish generator availability information for each station and unit. This will improve the information available to the market to enable better decisions regarding availability of plant and scheduling of network outages. 

These changes are likely to reduce the costs to update the ST PASA procedures. AEMO must still consult with market participants to ensure that ST PASA meets the needs of all relevant parties. 

Submissions to the draft determination and draft rule are open until 10 February 2022. The AEMC will publish a final determination in March 2022.

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