Market Review: Completed
The strategic priorities for the development of the energy market look to the future to help foster an energy sector with the flexibility to respond to changes in technology and business models, increasingly being driven by consumer choices.
Recognising these developments, the AEMC has defined the following three strategic priorities for the development of the energy market:
- Consumer priority – enabling consumers to make informed decisions in competitive retail markets.
- Gas priority – promoting the development of efficient gas markets.
- Markets and network priority – market and network arrangements that encourage efficient investment and flexibility.
The AEMC has developed these strategic priorities throughout 2015 in consultation with consumer representatives, industry and governments. These priorities are designed to assist the COAG Energy Council in the formation of their policy priorities over the coming years as well as guide our work program, approach to rule making and provision of advice.
On 10 September 2015, the AEMC published a Discussion Paper which set out the AEMC’s preliminary views on the priority areas for energy market development.
This material formed the basis of a public forum in Sydney on 30 September 2015. This provided stakeholders with an opportunity to share their views on the challenges and priorities for Australian energy markets over the coming years, prior to the AEMC finalising the priorities.
Presentations from the forum, and submissions to the Discussion Paper can be found below.