Rule Change: Not Initiated


On 13 February 2007 the Commission decided to not proceed with this Rule change proposal in accordance with section 94(2) of the NEL. The Commission has advised the proponent of the reasons for its decision as required under section 94(3). A copy of the letter sent to the proponent that sets out the Commission's reasons is published below with the proponent's consent.
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On 13 February 2007 the Commission decided to not proceed with this Rule change proposal in accordance with section 94(2) of the NEL. The Commission has advised the proponent of the reasons for its decision as required under section 94(3). A copy of the letter sent to the proponent that sets out the Commission's reasons is published below with the proponent's consent.


On 11 December 2006, the Commission received a Rule change request from Metropolis Metering Assets Pty Ltd (Metropolis) proposing a change to the Rules to allow Market Participants to seek offers from and enter into agreements with accredited Metering Providers to act as the Responsible Person for type 1, 2, 3 or 4 metering installations. Metropolis considered that this change would promote competition and ensure greater price transparency for contestable metering services. Metropolis also requested that the proposed Rule change be expedited as a non-controversial Rule change.

On 13 February 2007 the Commission decided to not proceed with this Rule change proposal in accordance with section 94(2) of the NEL. The Commission has advised the proponent of the reasons for its decision as required under section 94(3). A copy of the letter sent to the proponent that sets out the Commission’s reasons is published below with the proponent’s consent.

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