Once the AEMC is satisfied that the rule change request meets the criteria found on the page - making a rule change request, the rule change process is formally initiated by publishing:

  • a notice of the request for the making of a rule
  • generally, a consultation paper that sets out the issues raised in the request. The consultation paper is used to seek submissions from stakeholders on the possible implications of the proposed rule change.

It is important that stakeholders are aware of how to make a submission and to understand how we consider submissions in our decision making process.

Consultation papers published by the AEMC are framed in a structured way - setting out our proposed assessment framework and how the proposed rule change request relates specifically to the legislated energy objectives. Broader public policy issues such as fairness in the distribution of benefits between different energy consumers are not part of the energy objectives. The objectives focus on promoting economic efficiency in the long-term interests of consumers with respect to:

  • price, quality, safety, reliability, and security of supply of energy services, and
  • achieving emissions reduction targets set by participating jurisdictions. 

Each assessment framework sets out the basis on which we propose to assess the rule change request. It is important for stakeholders to indicate whether they agree or disagree with our proposed assessment framework and why.

The consultation papers also include a series of key questions which we believe will facilitate stakeholders providing us with valuable information to allow us to make an informed assessment of the rule change request. We also welcome feedback on matters that stakeholders consider to be relevant but were not raised in the consultation paper.

Any person, including the proponent, may make a submission on a consultation paper. At least four weeks will be given from the date the rule change request notice is published to make submissions.

While not a formal requirement, we commonly arrange public forums, meetings, workshops and advisory groups at various stages throughout the rule change process to:

  • help build stakeholder awareness and understanding
  • provide an avenue for meaningful input to help better inform our decisions
  • provide an opportunity for stakeholders to engage with each other to gain different perspectives on the potential impact of the proposed rule change request.

The AEMC project team is available throughout these processes for discussion. Parties participating in a rule change process can also advise the project team of issues that could benefit from exposure in a forum or working group

On occasion, prior to publication of a draft or final determination, the Commission may decide that there is value in publishing an additional paper, such as an options or directions paper, to gain further insight into the key issues.

Stages of the rules change process

View the different stages of a rule change project

  1. Making a rule change request
  2. Consultation paper
  3. Draft determination consultation
  4. Final determination


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