The AEMC will publish an options paper for its review into the coordination of generation and transmission investment in February 2018, rather than later this month as previously advised.
This review is looking at ways to improve the coordination of generation and transmission investment so new electricity supply can be added to the system at the lowest possible cost. In particular, we are considering the Finkel Panel recommendation relating to the coordination of generation and transmission investment, including the development of Renewable Energy Zones as well as transmission charging arrangements for batteries.
The extended timeframe will allow us to consider related developments in the energy sector, including the Integrated Grid Plan which is currently being developed by AEMO. We are also analysing the large number of issues raised by stakeholders in response to the approach paper published in August.
We will continue to engage with stakeholders throughout the review. This will include seeking submissions on the options paper. We plan to publish a final report in mid 2018.
Media: Prudence Anderson 0404 821 935 or (02) 8296 7817