Submissions to the AEMC’s consultation paper on the transparency of new projects consolidated rule change request are now available on the AEMC’s website.

Our consultation paper set out issues on:

  • AEMO’s rule change rule change request – which seeks to allow developers to register as intending participants to access information needed to design and build a generating system or large load.
  • The Australian Energy Council’s rule change request – which proposes reforms to the intending participant category and formalising AEMO’s generation information page in the National Electricity Rules.
  • Energy Networks Australia rule change request – which would allow transmission network service providers to publish information they have received from connection applicants regarding new and proposed connections.

We have received 21 submissions to date from a wide variety of stakeholders, including developers, generators, networks, major energy users, industry associations, consumer groups and market bodies. Stakeholder feedback covered three broad areas:

Allowing developers to access information needed to design and build a generating system or large load

  • On balance, stakeholders considered that developers should be allowed to access the information proposed in AEMO’s rule change request, potentially by registering as intending participants or via the creation of a new separate category for developers. 
  • However, some stakeholders also expressed concerns about how this proposal is given effect, including the need to make sure that confidential information is not inappropriately shared.

Broader reforms to the intending participant category and AEMO’s generation information page

  • Stakeholders generally supported the Australian Energy Council’s proposal to allow AEMO to disclose previously confidential information once it has reached the public domain. Stakeholders also generally supported an obligation being put on new project proponents to update AEMO if changes to their projects have occurred although some wanted greater flexibility around how this would happen.
  • Stakeholders resoundingly supported codifying AEMO’s generation information page in the National Electricity Rules and considered it should be updated and published on at least a quarterly basis.

Publication of connection data

  • Stakeholders expressed general support for transmission businesses to publish connection information to increase transparency. However, some stakeholders qualified this support with concerns over confidentiality, administrative costs and duplication risks.

Next steps

The Commission’s draft determination for the consolidated rule change request is due to be published on 1 August 2019.

Media: Prudence Anderson, Communication Director, 0404 821 935 or (02) 8296 7817