The Australian Energy Market Commission’s Reliability Panel today published a draft report for the template for generator compliance programs review with recommendations to improve the template’s clarity and reflect changes in generation technology, monitoring techniques and plant operational modes.
The template is designed to help electricity generators develop performance standards compliance programs consistent with good electricity industry practice. It also helps the Australian Energy Regulator with the enforcement and monitoring of the generators' compliance with the technical requirements under the National Electricity Rules.
Effective compliance with performance standards contributes to the delivery of reliable and secure electricity to Australian consumers.
The Reliability Panel has invited written submissions from stakeholders on its draft report by Thursday 7 May.
Stakeholders may also request a public meeting on the draft report within five business days of the draft report being published. A tentative date of Wednesday 29 April has been set aside for the public meeting, if requested, and stakeholders will be given notice at least two weeks in advance.
The Reliability Panel was established by the Australian Energy Market Commission under the National Electricity Law. It determines standards and guidelines which help maintain a secure and reliable power system. For more information on the Reliability Panel, visit
For further information, contact:
Communications Manager: Prudence Anderson, (02) 8296 7800