The AEMC published today a scoping paper for the 2020 biennial review into liquidity in wholesale and gas pipeline trading markets.

This is the AEMC’s second such review and allows us to track changes in market liquidity over time. We can also chart progress of recent AEMC reforms to the east coast gas markets that were designed to support more efficient gas trading and access to pipeline transportation. 

The biennial review will also monitor developments in the Northern Territory and Western Australia to the extent that information is available.

The scoping paper outlines the Commission’s proposed approach to the review, including the quantitative and qualitative metrics we will use to assess liquidity.

Submissions on this scoping paper are due by 20 February 2020. A draft report is due for publication in April 2020.

Media: Kellie Bisset, Media & Content Manager, 0438 490 041 or (02) 8296 7813