To our valued stakeholders, today I have announced that I am leaving the Australian Energy Market Commission.

I want to start by saying I have loved being Chief Executive of the AEMC. It is an organisation that lives its values of purpose, people, and collaboration. I came here because I saw that from the outside, and I knew it was a place I would feel lucky to be a part of. AEMC staff show incredible commitment and passion, while being a really great group of people. 

I have been Chief Executive for five years now, and have enjoyed working with you all on reforms to better deliver long-term benefits for energy consumers.   

Regarding next steps, my last day at the Commission will be Monday, 17 March. I will be taking some time before starting my new role at Energy Queensland as Executive General Manager, Regulation, Strategy and Risk. As Energy Queensland is a market participant, there will be a two month separation period between my roles. I will also step back from all Commission policy deliberations effective immediately. 

The Commission will run an internal process for an acting Chief Executive before running an external search process for the new permanent Chief Executive. For any enquiries during this transition period, please continue to contact the AEMC through your usual channels - our Commissioners, Executive Leadership Team and staff remain fully committed to progressing our important work program.

I want to thank AEMC Chair Anna Collyer and all AEMC Commissioners throughout my tenure for allowing me to steward this brilliant organisation. I want to thank our incredible staff here, for their support, commitment, and friendship. Can I also thank you, everyone in the sector who has contributed to our work at the AEMC. What we do, we do with you, and I appreciate the time you have all taken with us. 

Thank you. 
