The AEMC is hosting a stakeholder workshop to facilitate consultation on a rule change request from AEMO that seeks to redefine the conditions under which it can declare a lack of reserves (LOR). AEMO uses the LOR framework to signal to the market that electricity reserves are running low. This workshop is being held in response to numerous requests from stakeholders for more information on AEMO’s proposal.  . 
The workshop aims to facilitate stakeholders’ understanding of the new LOR model proposed by AEMO and provide stakeholders with the opportunity to ask any questions associated with the rule changes request. In the workshop, AEMO will provide context for the rule change request including a summary of the problem they are facing in providing clear signals to the market and getting a timely response when more reserves are needed. AEMO will also outline the solution proposed in the rule request and how this will help them continue to provide reliable supplies of electricity. 
In its request, AEMO noted it wants to have this rule in place this summer to enable it to trigger the LOR framework under a wider range of risk scenarios than those presently allowed for in the definitions.. The Commission is therefore treating this rule change as a priority while  still allowing industry and consumers have sufficient opportunity to provide input under the standard timeframes for consultation. 

Details of the workshop are as follows

Date: Thursday 5 October 2017

Time: 2pm-3:30pm AEDT Sydney/Melbourne time

Location: via teleconference

An agenda, dial-in details and any other relevant documents will be circulated to registered attendees prior to the workshop.

To register for the workshop, please contact Sarah-Jane Derby at or on (02) 8296 7823 by Tuesday 3 October 2017.