The AEMC has made a final rule determination for a new B2B framework to define the language, or format of communication, between parties using advanced meters.

This work forms part of the AEMC’s Power of Choice program to improve consumer information so people can choose electricity products and services that are right for them.

The final rule determination was made in response to two rule change requests; one received from the COAG Energy Council and the other from Red Energy and Lumo Energy.

The final rule amends the National Electricity Rules (NER) to provide for a wider range of services being available through small customer meters as well as providing for any additional parties that may be interested in providing or accessing those services.

These changes are expected to enhance the benefits from the new competitive metering framework being introduced under the Expanding competition in metering and related services final rule.

In the future, communications for advanced metering services may need to be capable of 'near instant' responses so retailers could, for example, obtain meter reads during customer telephone inquiries; or distributors could quickly get meter reads to find the source of power outages.

Having a shared communication method is expected to improve interoperability, reduce barriers to entry for new participants, and reduce the costs of providing existing and new services related to small customer meters.

The final rule makes initial amendments to the NER on 30 June 2016 and further amendments on 1 December 2017. This is aligned with the implementation timeframes for the Expanding competition in metering and related services final rule and the Embedded networks final rule.


Media: Prudence Anderson 0404 821 935 or DL (02) 8296 7817