The AEMC today provided the Reliability Panel with Terms of Reference to review the frequency operating standard that applies in the national electricity market.

Under the national electricity rules, the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) must keep the power system stable and securely operating at a frequency close to 50 hertz. The specific frequency requirements that AEMO must meet under different power system conditions are set out in the frequency operating standard, which is determined by the Reliability Panel.

This review will investigate the appropriateness of the settings in the standard in light of the ongoing energy market transformation from conventional synchronous generators to non-synchronous generation such as wind and solar panels.

The AEMC today published the final determination for the Emergency Frequency Control Schemes rule change which introduces a new category of contingency event, the protected event.  The incorporation of these protected events into the standard will be considered as part of the review.

The Panel will also review the frequency operating standard to consider the appropriateness of the requirements on AEMO that relate to ‘multiple contingency’ events such as the failure of a transmission line or separation of a region from the rest of the national electricity market. This includes setting the timeframes for AEMO to restore system frequency following these major events.

This review is an integrated part of the AEMC’s system security work program which is addressing the implications for power system security as the energy market transforms.

Stakeholders are encouraged to provide input to the review. The Panel will publish an issues paper in mid-2017, followed by a draft report later in the year, for consultation.

The Panel is required to complete its review by 22 December 2017.


Media: Prudence Anderson, Communications Director, 0404 821 935 or direct line 02 8296 7817