The Reliability Panel has made a draft determination that would revoke the South Australian ‘destructive winds protected event’, to help maintain power system security and prevent energy customers from having to pay excessive costs as the system transforms.
The Panel is satisfied that AEMO will be able to effectively manage the risk of destructive winds in south Australia through the recently revised ‘contingency re-classification’ framework.
The Reliability Panel also considers that based on advice from AEMO there are likely to be no negative consequences from revoking or repealing the SA protected event.
The South Australian ‘destructive winds protected event’ (SA protected event) currently allows the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to manage heightened risks to the South Australian power system that may be caused by destructive winds.
The SA protected event was introduced by the Reliability Panel in 2019 following the “System Black” event that occurred in South Australia on the 28 September 2016 when around 850,000 customers lost power following gale and storm force winds.
While the approach has allowed AEMO to take steps to constrain the amount of power being imported into South Australia by interconnector during destructive winds, new transmission infrastructure and recent reforms to the contingency reclassification process mean a new approach is needed.
Stage 1 of the Project Energy Connect (PEC1) interconnector between Buronga in South Australia and Wagga Wagga in NSW is expected to be completed in December 2023.
With this higher capacity transmission infrastructure in place, operational controls required under the current approach are likely to over-constrain the power system, resulting in excessive, unnecessary costs to energy customers.
AEMO has indicated a preference to revoke the SA protected event and instead use the revised ‘contingency re-classification’ framework, implemented in 2022 to manage the risk of destructive winds in South Australia.
This approach will allow AEMO to adapt the associated operational controls to match changes in the network, such as the connection of PEC1.
The Panel is following the expedited process to assess AEMO’s request to revoke the South Australian protected event. If any person objects to the expedited consultation, they may submit a written request to the Panel by 20 July 2023 to use the standard process.
Visit project page for more information and contact details.
Media: Nicole Stokes, 0401 826 522,