The Australian Energy Market Commission’s Reliability Panel has published an information note, including accompanying presentation, which summarises discussion at a stakeholder workshop held on 18 February about the template for generator compliance programs review.
The workshop focussed on issues raised by stakeholders in their submissions to the Reliability Panel’s Issues Paper for the review.
Outcomes from the workshop will be used to inform the Reliability Panel’s draft recommendations for the review, which will be published in a draft report on 26 March 2015.
The template for generator compliance aims to provide assistance and clarity to stakeholders, particularly generators and the Australian Energy Regulator, on what constitutes good electricity industry practice with respect to performance standards compliance.
The Reliability Panel’s review looks at whether the template it finalised with stakeholder input in June 2012 remains consistent with recent changes to the National Electricity Rules, technologies, performance standards and compliance methods.
The Reliability Panel was established by the AEMC under the National Electricity Law. It determines standards and guidelines which help maintain a secure and reliable power system. For more information about the Panel, visit
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Media: Communications Manager, Prudence Anderson 0404 821 935 or (02) 8296 7817