The Australian Energy Market Commission will hold a public forum in Sydney on Thursday 30 April to discuss the draft determination for the competition in metering and related services rule change, which was released last week.

The draft changes to the National Electricity Rules and National Energy Retail Rules announced last week would allow new competitors to offer metering services, and give people a choice to either retain their existing working meters or to take up new services that advanced meters enable.

The public forum will provide all stakeholders the opportunity to discuss their views on the draft determination with Commissioners before submissions close on Thursday 21 May 2015.

Interested stakeholders can register for the forum here  before 24 April 2015. The agenda and venue details will be available shortly.

For information contact:

Forum participants: Claire Richards, (02) 8296 7800 or

Media: Prudence Anderson, (02) 8296 7817 or