The Australian Energy Market Commission has released a consultation paper on proposals related to the mechanics for charging national transmission planner costs.
The rule change was submitted by the Australian Energy Market Operator on 21 August 2020 and requested that the rule change proceed under an expedited process.
The rule change request has been submitted by AEMO with the support of Energy Networks Australia to address a number of issues relating to timing and uncertainty in administrative arrangements for the budgeting and charging of AEMO's NTP costs to transmission network service providers (TNSPs).
These errors became apparent in the process of implementing the Integrated System Planning Rule (ISP Rule), where both AEMO and TNSPs identified a number of administrative and transitional issues related to the budgeting and charging of NTP function fees to TNSPs.
The rule change request submitted by AEMO is narrow in scope and does not seek to change existing policy or to introduce new policy relating to the ISP Rules. In addition, the proposed changes are largely of an administrative nature, designed to facilitate the original policy intent of the ISP Rule.
The key dates for stakeholders in this process are as follows:
- Initiation of rule change process and publication of this consultation paper: 3 September 2020
- Written requests not to use the expedited process to be received by: 17 September 2020
- Submissions to the consultation paper to be received by: 1 October 2020
- Publication of the final rule determination and final rule (if made): 29 October 2020
Media: Kellie Bisset, Media and Content Manager M: 0438 490 041