The Australian Energy Market Commission today announced it will not exercise the last resort planning power this year, under the National Electricity Rules.

The last resort planning power is an oversight mechanism conferred on the AEMC to complement the planning roles of the Australian Energy Market Operator as National Transmission Planner and transmission network companies.

It allows the AEMC to require network companies to consider and consult on options to alleviate constraints on the interconnected transmission network when these companies have not initiated this process themselves.

To assist it in determining whether to exercise the last resort planning power in 2015, the AEMC has reviewed relevant planning reports prepared by the Australian Energy Market Operator as National Transmission Planner and those prepared by the transmission network companies.

This analysis, set out in a decision report published today by the AEMC, shows that transmission network companies are adequately considering the need for inter-regional transmission investment in their planning activities and it is therefore not necessary to exercise the last resort planning power in 2015.

The AEMC is required to report annually on the last resort planning power. The AEMC has not exercised the last resort planning power since it was conferred on it in 2007.


For information contact: Media: Communication Manager, Prudence Anderson 0404 821 935 or (02) 8296 7817