The Australian Energy Market Commission today announced it will not exercise the last resort planning power this year, under the National Electricity Rules.

The AEMC considers that the transmission planning bodies in the National Electricity Market are appropriately considering inter-regional transmission infrastructure as part of their planning processes.

The last resort planning power complements the transmission planning responsibilities of AEMO and jurisdictional planning bodies.

Being a last resort mechanism, it is designed to be used only where there is a clear indication that regular planning processes have resulted in a gap in the planning of inter-regional transmission infrastructure.

In making its decision, the AEMC has reviewed and analysed the latest planning documents published by Australian Energy Market Operator and jurisdictional planning bodies and did not identify any planning gaps relating to inter-regional transmission infrastructure.

A review report has been published outlining the process undertaken by the AEMC and the main findings in relation to each transmission interconnector in the NEM.

The National Electricity Rules require the Commission to report annually on the exercise of the last resort planning power. In the four years that the Commission has conducted this review, it has not found the need to exercise this power.