A new rule started this week to enhance the breadth and accuracy of information provided to the market and the public through the Natural Gas Bulletin Board. 

The changes are part of the AEMC’s package of gas market reforms, endorsed by the COAG Energy Council, which are designed to support faster and more efficient gas trading and access to pipeline transportation along the east coast of Australia.

The Bulletin Board, managed by the Australian Energy Market Operator, provides up-to-date gas system and market information to help participants make more informed decisions about trading, investing in, or using gas.

The new rule increases the amount and frequency of data reported on the Bulletin Board, along with greater data accuracy requirements and a stronger compliance framework.

There are now more parties required to provide information to the Bulletin Board, as well as a new reporting framework so that facilities that may have a material impact on the market are required to provide information. Also, information must now be presented in a consistent way in accordance with a new reporting framework to make it easier for participants to use the information.

To help ensure the Bulletin Board stays up to date and useful, AEMO must review the Bulletin Board’s operation and publish a report every two years. The first report is due in 2020.

The AEMC made the rule to improve the Bulletin Board in September 2017, with a transition period to enable AEMO and businesses to prepare. 

The rule change request was submitted by the COAG Energy Council based on recommendations made by the AEMC in our East Coast Gas Market and Pipeline Frameworks Review. The changes do not apply to the WA Bulletin Board. 

Media: Bronwyn Rosser, Communications Specialist, 0423 280 341 or bronwyn.rosser@aemc.gov.au