The Reliability Panel has commenced a review into the form of the ‘reliability standard’ that supports reliability in the electricity system, following the release of an issues paper today.
As Australia transitions to a net zero future the National Electricity Market (NEM) is also changing, transforming from a centralised, largely thermal power-based system to a decentralised system with a greater proportion of variable renewable energy (VRE) sources and storage assets, such as batteries.
A greater proportion of VRE in the system will need to be carefully managed to help ensure a reliable flow of electricity that meets the needs of households, businesses and industry.
While VRE resources can respond and "start-up" quickly, these power sources can also be intermittent, depending on factors such as weather conditions where there is no or low light and/or wind.
A greater dependence on high VRE sources of power is likely to change the nature of risk in the system.
The Reliability Panel is now investigating the need to change the current form of the reliability standard and whether the existing standard can meet demand with a level of reliability that customers value, with a view to determining how the changing nature of the risks in the power system can best be managed in the medium-longer term.
Submissions in response to the Issues Paper are being accepted until Thursday, 4 May 2023.
Media: Jessica Rich, 0459 918 964,
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